►CCCCoreLib::AABB | |
CAABox | |
CAACube | |
CccOctree::BestRadiusParams | Parameters for the GuessBestRadius method |
►CCCCoreLib::BoundingBox | |
CccBBox | Bounding box structure |
CccChunk | Fake chunked array management |
CccClipPlane | Simple (clipping) plane equation |
CccColorScaleElement | Color scale element: one value + one color |
CccColorScalesManager | Color scales manager/container |
CccDepthBuffer | Sensor "depth map" |
►CccDrawableObject | Generic interface for (3D) drawable entities |
►CccHObject | Hierarchical CloudCompare Object |
►CccArray< ccColor::Rgb, 3, ColorCompType > | |
CColorsTableType | Array of RGB colors for each point |
►CccArray< CompressedNormType, 1, CompressedNormType > | |
CNormsIndexesTableType | Array of compressed 3D normals (single index) |
►CccArray< CCVector3, 3, PointCoordinateType > | |
CNormsTableType | Array of (uncompressed) 3D normals (Nx,Ny,Nz) |
►CccArray< ccColor::Rgba, 4, ColorCompType > | |
CRGBAColorsTableType | Array of RGBA colors for each point |
►CccArray< TexCoords2D, 2, float > | |
CTextureCoordsContainer | Array of 2D texture coordinates |
Ccc2DLabel | 2D label (typically attached to points) |
►Ccc2DViewportObject | 2D viewport object |
Ccc2DViewportLabel | 2D viewport label |
CccArray< Type, N, ComponentType > | Shareable array that can be properly inserted in the DB tree |
CccClipBox | Clipping box |
►CccCustomHObject | Custom hierarchy object |
CccCustomLeafObject | Custom leaf object |
CccFacet | Facet |
CccImage | Generic image |
CccIndexedTransformationBuffer | Indexed Transformation buffer |
CccKdTree | KD-tree structure |
CccMaterialSet | Mesh (triangle) material |
CccOctreeProxy | Octree structure proxy |
►CccSensor | Generic sensor interface |
CccCameraSensor | Camera (projective) sensor |
CccGBLSensor | Ground-based Laser sensor |
►CccShiftedObject | Shifted entity interface |
►CccGenericMesh | Generic mesh interface |
►CccMesh | Triangular mesh |
►CccGenericPrimitive | Generic primitive interface |
CccBox | Box (primitive) |
►CccCone | Cone (primitive) |
CccCylinder | Cylinder (primitive) |
CccCoordinateSystem | Coordinate System (primitive) |
CccDish | Dish |
CccExtru | Profile extrusion (primitive) |
CccPlane | Plane (primitive) |
CccQuadric | Quadric (primitive) |
CccSphere | Sphere (primitive) |
CccTorus | Torus (primitive) |
CccMeshGroup | [DEPRECATED] A group of meshes sharing vertices (and associated properties) in a unique cloud |
CccSubMesh | A sub-mesh |
CccGenericPointCloud | A 3D cloud interface with associated features (color, normals, octree, etc.) |
CccPolyline | Colored polyline |
CccExternalFactory | |
CccFlags | Flags |
CccGenericGLDisplay | Generic interface for GL displays |
CccGL | Shortcuts to OpenGL commands independent on the input type |
CccGLCameraParameters | OpenGL camera parameters |
CccGLDrawContext | Display context |
CccGriddedTools | Tools dedicated to gridded clouds |
CccHObjectCaster | Useful class to (try to) statically cast a basic ccHObject to a given type |
►CccInteractor | Interactor interface (entity that can be dragged or clicked in a 3D view) |
Ccc2DLabel | 2D label (typically attached to points) |
CccClipBox | Clipping box |
CccLog | Main log interface |
CccMinimumSpanningTreeForNormsDirection | Minimum Spanning Tree for normals direction resolution |
CccNormalCompressor | Normal compressor |
CccNormalVectors | Compressed normal vectors handler |
CccOctreeFrustumIntersector | |
►CccPlanarEntityInterface | Interface for a planar entity |
CccFacet | Facet |
CccPlane | Plane (primitive) |
CccPointCloudInterpolator | |
CccPointCloudLOD | L.O.D. (Level of Detail) structure |
CccRasterCell | Raster grid cell |
CccRasterGrid | Raster grid type |
►CccSerializableObject | Serializable object interface |
►CccGLMatrixTpl< float > | |
►CccGLMatrix | Float version of ccGLMatrixTpl |
CccIndexedTransformation | A 4x4 'transformation' matrix (column major order) associated to an index (typically a timestamp) |
►CccGLMatrixTpl< double > | |
CccGLMatrixd | Double version of ccGLMatrixTpl |
CWaveformDescriptor | Waveform descriptor |
CccColorScale | Color scale |
CccGLMatrixTpl< T > | A 4x4 'transformation' matrix (column major order) |
CccMaterial | Mesh (triangle) material |
►CccObject | Generic "CloudCompare Object" template |
CccHObject | Hierarchical CloudCompare Object |
CccScalarField | A scalar field associated to display-related parameters |
CccViewportParameters | Standard parameters for GL displays/viewports |
CccWaveform | Waveform |
CccSerializationHelper | Serialization helpers |
►CccShader | |
CccColorRampShader | |
►CCCShareable | |
CccArray< ccColor::Rgb, 3, ColorCompType > | |
CccArray< CompressedNormType, 1, CompressedNormType > | |
CccArray< CCVector3, 3, PointCoordinateType > | |
CccArray< ccColor::Rgba, 4, ColorCompType > | |
CccArray< TexCoords2D, 2, float > | |
CccArray< Type, N, ComponentType > | Shareable array that can be properly inserted in the DB tree |
CccMaterialSet | Mesh (triangle) material |
CccSingleton< T > | Generic singleton encapsulation structure |
CccUniqueIDGenerator | Unique ID generator (should be unique for the whole application instance - with plugins, etc.) |
CccWaveformProxy | Waveform proxy |
►CCCCoreLib::FastMarching::Cell | |
CccFastMarchingForNormsDirection::DirectionCell | A Fast Marching grid cell for normals direction resolution |
CccExternalFactory::Container | A convenience holder for all factories |
CccColor::Convert | Color space conversion |
►CCCCoreLib::DgmOctree | |
CccOctree | Octree structure |
CccDrawableObject::DisplayState | Display state |
►CCCCoreLib::FastMarching | |
CccFastMarchingForNormsDirection | Fast Marching algorithm for normals direction resolution |
CFrustum | |
CccCameraSensor::FrustumInformation | Frustum information structure |
CccColor::Generator | Colors generator |
►CCCCoreLib::GenericIndexedCloudPersist | |
CccGenericPointCloud | A 3D cloud interface with associated features (color, normals, octree, etc.) |
►CCCCoreLib::GenericIndexedMesh | |
CccGenericMesh | Generic mesh interface |
►CCCCoreLib::GenericProgressCallback | |
CccProgressDialog | Graphical progress indicator (thread-safe) |
CglDrawParams | Display parameters of a 3D entity |
CccPointCloud::Grid | Grid structure |
CccGriddedTools::GridParameters | Grid (angular) parameters |
CccCameraSensor::IntrinsicParameters | Intrinsic parameters of the camera sensor |
CccCameraSensor::KeyPoint | Knowing the ideal projection of a 3D point, computes what would be the real projection (through a lens) |
Ccc2DLabel::LabelInfo1 | One-point label info |
Ccc2DLabel::LabelInfo2 | Two-points label info |
Ccc2DLabel::LabelInfo3 | Three-points label info |
►CccCameraSensor::LensDistortionParameters | Lens distortion parameters (interface) |
CccCameraSensor::BrownDistortionParameters | Brown's distortion model + Linear Disparity |
►CccCameraSensor::RadialDistortionParameters | Simple radial distortion model |
CccCameraSensor::ExtendedRadialDistortionParameters | Extended radial distortion model |
CccPointCloudLOD::Level | |
CLODLevelDesc | Level descriptor |
CccPointCloudLOD::Node | Octree 'tree' node |
CccPointCloudInterpolator::Parameters | Generic interpolation parameters |
Ccc2DLabel::PickedPoint | Picked point descriptor |
CPlane | |
CPointCloudLODRenderer | |
►CCCCoreLib::PointCloudTpl | |
CccPointCloud | A 3D cloud and its associated features (color, normals, scalar fields, etc.) |
►CCCCoreLib::Polyline | |
CccPolyline | Colored polyline |
►CQGLBuffer | |
CccPointCloud::VBO | |
►CQObject | |
CccClipBox | Clipping box |
CccMaterialDB | Smart texture database |
CccOctree | Octree structure |
►CQProgressDialog | |
CccProgressDialog | Graphical progress indicator (thread-safe) |
►CQSpinBox | |
CccOctreeSpinBox | Octree level editor dialog |
CccScalarField::Range | Scalar field range structure |
CccPointCloudLOD::RenderParams | Parameters of the current render state |
CccColor::RgbaTpl< Type > | RGBA color structure |
CccColor::RgbTpl< Type > | RGB color structure |
►CCCCoreLib::ScalarField | |
CccScalarField | A scalar field associated to display-related parameters |
CTexCoords2D | 2D texture coordinates |
CccMaterialDB::TextureInfo | |
►CCCCoreLib::TrueKdTree | |
CccKdTree | KD-tree structure |
►CccPointCloud::UnrollBaseParams | |
CccPointCloud::UnrollConeParams | |
CccPointCloud::UnrollCylinderParams | |
CccPointCloud::vboSet | VBO set |
►Cstd::vector< T > | STL class |
CccArray< ccColor::Rgb, 3, ColorCompType > | |
CccArray< CompressedNormType, 1, CompressedNormType > | |
CccArray< CCVector3, 3, PointCoordinateType > | |
CccArray< ccColor::Rgba, 4, ColorCompType > | |
CccArray< TexCoords2D, 2, float > | |
CccArray< Type, N, ComponentType > | Shareable array that can be properly inserted in the DB tree |
CccIndexedTransformationBuffer | Indexed Transformation buffer |
CccMaterialSet | Mesh (triangle) material |
CccScalarField::Histogram | Simple histogram structure |