| ccGLMatrixTpl () |
| Default constructor. More...
| ccGLMatrixTpl (const ccGLMatrixTpl< T > &mat) |
| Copy constructor.
| ccGLMatrixTpl (const float *mat16f) |
| Constructor from a float GL matrix array. More...
| ccGLMatrixTpl (const double *mat16d) |
| Constructor from a double GL matrix array. More...
| ccGLMatrixTpl (const Vector3Tpl< T > &X, const Vector3Tpl< T > &Y, const Vector3Tpl< T > &Z, const Vector3Tpl< T > &Tr) |
| Constructor from 4 columns (X,Y,Z,T) More...
QString | toString (int precision=12, QChar separator=' ') const |
| Returns matrix as a string. More...
virtual bool | toAsciiFile (QString filename, int precision=12) const |
| Saves matrix to an ASCII file. More...
virtual bool | fromAsciiFile (QString filename) |
| Loads matrix from an ASCII file. More...
ccGLMatrixTpl< T > | xRotation () const |
| Returns the rotation component around X only.
ccGLMatrixTpl< T > | yRotation () const |
| Returns the rotation component around Y only.
ccGLMatrixTpl< T > | zRotation () const |
| Returns the rotation component around Z only.
virtual void | toZero () |
| Clears matrix. More...
virtual void | toIdentity () |
| Sets matrix to identity.
void | clearTranslation () |
| Clears translation. More...
void | initFromParameters (T alpha_rad, const Vector3Tpl< T > &axis3D, const Vector3Tpl< T > &t3D) |
| Inits transformation from a rotation axis, an angle and a translation. More...
void | initFromParameters (T phi_rad, T theta_rad, T psi_rad, const Vector3Tpl< T > &t3D) |
| Inits transformation from 3 rotation angles and a translation. More...
void | getParameters (T &alpha_rad, Vector3Tpl< T > &axis3D, Vector3Tpl< T > &t3D) const |
| Returns equivalent parameters: a rotation axis, an angle and a translation. More...
void | getParameters (T &phi_rad, T &theta_rad, T &psi_rad, Vector3Tpl< T > &t3D) const |
| Returns equivalent parameters: 3 rotation angles and a translation. More...
T * | data () |
| Returns a pointer to internal data.
const T * | data () const |
| Returns a const pointer to internal data.
T * | getTranslation () |
| Returns a pointer to internal translation. More...
const T * | getTranslation () const |
| Returns a const pointer to internal translation. More...
Vector3Tpl< T > | getTranslationAsVec3D () const |
| Returns a copy of the translation as a CCVector3. More...
void | setTranslation (const Vector3Tpl< float > &Tr) |
| Sets translation (float version) More...
void | setTranslation (const Vector3Tpl< double > &Tr) |
| Sets translation (double version) More...
void | setTranslation (const float Tr[3]) |
| Sets translation from a float array. More...
void | setTranslation (const double Tr[3]) |
| Sets translation from a double array. More...
T * | getColumn (unsigned index) |
| Returns a pointer to a given column. More...
const T * | getColumn (unsigned index) const |
| Returns a const pointer to a given column. More...
Vector3Tpl< T > | getColumnAsVec3D (unsigned index) const |
| Returns a copy of a given column as a CCVector3. More...
void | setColumn (unsigned index, const Vector3Tpl< T > &v) |
| Sets the content of a given column. More...
void | setColumn (unsigned index, const Tuple4Tpl< T > &v) |
| Sets the content of a given column. More...
ccGLMatrixTpl< T > | operator* (const ccGLMatrixTpl< T > &mat) const |
| Multiplication by a matrix operator.
Vector3Tpl< float > | operator* (const Vector3Tpl< float > &vec) const |
| Multiplication by a vector operator (float version)
Vector3Tpl< double > | operator* (const Vector3Tpl< double > &vec) const |
| Multiplication by a vector operator (double version)
Tuple4Tpl< float > | operator* (const Tuple4Tpl< float > &vec) const |
| Multiplication by a 4D vector operator (float version)
Tuple4Tpl< double > | operator* (const Tuple4Tpl< double > &vec) const |
| Multiplication by a 4D vector operator (double version)
ccGLMatrixTpl< T > & | operator+= (const ccGLMatrixTpl< T > &mat) |
| (in place) Addition operator
ccGLMatrixTpl< T > & | operator-= (const ccGLMatrixTpl< T > &mat) |
| (in place) Difference operator
ccGLMatrixTpl< T > & | operator*= (const ccGLMatrixTpl< T > &mat) |
| (in place) Multiplication operator
ccGLMatrixTpl< T > & | operator+= (const Vector3Tpl< float > &Tr) |
| (in place) Forward translation operator (float version)
ccGLMatrixTpl< T > & | operator+= (const Vector3Tpl< double > &Tr) |
| (in place) Forward translation operator (double version)
ccGLMatrixTpl< T > & | operator-= (const Vector3Tpl< float > &Tr) |
| (in place) Backward translation operator (float version)
ccGLMatrixTpl< T > & | operator-= (const Vector3Tpl< double > &Tr) |
| (in place) Backward translation operator (double version)
T | operator() (unsigned row, unsigned col) const |
| Returns the value at a given position.
void | apply (Vector3Tpl< float > &vec) const |
| Applies transformation to a 3D vector (in place) - float version. More...
void | apply (Vector3Tpl< double > &vec) const |
| Applies transformation to a 3D vector (in place) - double version. More...
void | apply (Tuple4Tpl< float > &vec) const |
| Applies transformation to a 4D vector (in place) - float version. More...
void | apply (Tuple4Tpl< double > &vec) const |
| Applies transformation to a 3D vector (in place) - double version. More...
float | applyX (const Vector3Tpl< float > &vec) const |
| Get the resulting transformation along X dimension (float version)
double | applyX (const Vector3Tpl< double > &vec) const |
| Get the resulting transformation along X dimension (double version)
float | applyY (const Vector3Tpl< float > &vec) const |
| Get the resulting transformation along Y dimension (float version)
double | applyY (const Vector3Tpl< double > &vec) const |
| Get the resulting transformation along Y dimension (double version)
float | applyZ (const Vector3Tpl< float > &vec) const |
| Get the resulting transformation along Z dimension (float version)
double | applyZ (const Vector3Tpl< double > &vec) const |
| Get the resulting transformation along Z dimension (double version)
float | applyX (const Tuple4Tpl< float > &vec) const |
| Get the resulting transformation along X dimension (float version)
double | applyX (const Tuple4Tpl< double > &vec) const |
| Get the resulting transformation along X dimension (double version)
float | applyY (const Tuple4Tpl< float > &vec) const |
| Get the resulting transformation along Y dimension (float version)
double | applyY (const Tuple4Tpl< double > &vec) const |
| Get the resulting transformation along Y dimension (double version)
float | applyZ (const Tuple4Tpl< float > &vec) const |
| Get the resulting transformation along Z dimension (float version)
double | applyZ (const Tuple4Tpl< double > &vec) const |
| Get the resulting transformation along Z dimension (double version)
float | applyW (const Tuple4Tpl< float > &vec) const |
| Get the resulting transformation along the 4th dimension (float version)
double | applyW (const Tuple4Tpl< double > &vec) const |
| Get the resulting transformation along the 4th dimension (double version)
void | applyRotation (Vector3Tpl< float > &vec) const |
| Applies rotation only to a 3D vector (in place) - float version. More...
void | applyRotation (Vector3Tpl< double > &vec) const |
| Applies rotation only to a 3D vector (in place) - double version. More...
void | applyRotation (float vec[3]) const |
| Applies rotation only to a 3D vector (in place) - float version. More...
void | applyRotation (double vec[3]) const |
| Applies rotation only to a 3D vector (in place) - float version. More...
void | shiftRotationCenter (const Vector3Tpl< T > &vec) |
| Shifts rotation center. More...
void | transpose () |
| Transposes matrix (in place)
ccGLMatrixTpl< T > | transposed () const |
| Returns transposed matrix.
void | invert () |
| Inverts transformation.
ccGLMatrixTpl< T > | inverse () const |
| Returns inverse transformation.
void | scaleRotation (T coef) |
| Scales the rotation part of the matrix. More...
void | scaleRow (unsigned rowIndex, T coef) |
| Scales one row of the matrix. More...
void | scaleColumn (unsigned colIndex, T coef) |
| Scales one column of the matrix. More...
bool | isSerializable () const override |
| Returns whether object is serializable of not. More...
bool | toFile (QFile &out) const override |
| Saves data to binary stream. More...
bool | fromFile (QFile &in, short dataVersion, int flags, LoadedIDMap &oldToNewIDMap) override |
| Loads data from binary stream. More...
virtual | ~ccSerializableObject ()=default |
| Destructor.
virtual bool | isSerializable () const |
| Returns whether object is serializable of not. More...
virtual bool | toFile (QFile &out) const |
| Saves data to binary stream. More...
virtual bool | fromFile (QFile &in, short dataVersion, int flags, LoadedIDMap &oldToNewIDMap) |
| Loads data from binary stream. More...
template<typename T>
class ccGLMatrixTpl< T >
A 4x4 'transformation' matrix (column major order)
Transformation (M) is composed by a rotation (R) and a translation (T): M*X = R*X + T