Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- o -
- objectCenteredView : ccViewportParameters
- octree() : ccPointCloudLOD
- OctreeCellVisibility : ccOctreeFrustumIntersector
- onDeletionOf() : cc2DLabel, ccHObject, ccImage, ccMesh
- onUpdateOf() : ccHObject, ccMesh, ccSubMesh
- onValueChange() : ccOctreeSpinBox
- operator RgbTpl< Type >() : ccColor::RgbaTpl< Type >
- operator!=() : ccColor::RgbaTpl< Type >, ccColor::RgbTpl< Type >, WaveformDescriptor
- operator()() : ccGLMatrixTpl< T >
- operator*() : ccBBox, ccGLMatrixTpl< T >, ccIndexedTransformation
- operator*=() : ccGLMatrixTpl< T >, ccIndexedTransformation
- operator+=() : ccGenericPrimitive, ccGLMatrixTpl< T >, ccIndexedTransformation, ccPointCloud
- operator-=() : ccGLMatrixTpl< T >, ccIndexedTransformation
- operator==() : WaveformDescriptor
- Orientation : ccNormalVectors
- OrientNormals() : ccFastMarchingForNormsDirection, ccMinimumSpanningTreeForNormsDirection
- orientNormalsTowardViewPoint() : ccPointCloud
- orientNormalsWithFM() : ccPointCloud
- orientNormalsWithGrids() : ccPointCloud
- orientNormalsWithMST() : ccPointCloud
- orthoRectifyAsCloud() : ccCameraSensor
- orthoRectifyAsImage() : ccCameraSensor
- orthoRectifyAsImageDirect() : ccCameraSensor
- OrthoRectifyAsImages() : ccCameraSensor