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qCC version 2.13.alpha (Qt) - 31 May 2022
Main CloudCompare application (GUI & command line)
►NccLibAlgorithms | |
Ccc2Point5DimEditor | 2.5D data editor (generic interface) |
CccAboutDialog | |
CccAdjustZoomDlg | Dialog to set the current focal of a 3D view (or equivalently the pixel size) |
CccAlignDlg | Rough registration dialog |
CccApplication | |
CccApplyTransformationDlg | Dialog to input a 4x4 matrix |
CccAskThreeDoubleValuesDlg | Generic dialog to query 3 (double) values |
CccAskTwoDoubleValuesDlg | Dialog to input 2 values with custom labels |
CccBoundingBoxEditorDlg | Dialog to define the extents of a 3D box |
CccCamSensorProjectionDlg | Camera sensor parameters dialog |
CccClippingBoxRepeatDlg | Dialog for managing clipping box based repeated processes |
CccClippingBoxTool | Dialog for managing a clipping box |
CccColorFromScalarDlg | Dialog to change the color levels |
CccColorGradientDlg | Dialog to define a color gradient (default, with 2 colors, banding, etc.) |
CccColorLevelsDlg | Dialog to change the color levels |
CccCommandLineParser | Command line parser |
CccComparisonDlg | Dialog for cloud/cloud or cloud/mesh comparison setting |
CccComputeOctreeDlg | Dialog for octree computation |
CccConsole | Console |
►CccContourLinesGenerator | Contour lines generator |
CccCropTool | Cropping tool |
CccCustomDoubleValidator | Validator class (accepts only double numbers and replaces the comma by a point automatically) |
CccCustomQListWidget | Custom QListWidget to allow for the copy of all selected elements when using CTRL+C |
CccCustomQTreeView | Custom QTreeView widget (for advanced selection behavior) |
CccDBRoot | GUI database tree root |
CccEntitySelectionDialog | Dialog to select one or multiple entities |
CccEnvelopeExtractor | Envelope extractor (with debug GUI) |
CccEnvelopeExtractorDlg | Dialog for debugging envelope extraction |
CccExportCoordToSFDlg | Dialog to choose which dimension(s) (X, Y or Z) should be exported as SF(s) |
CccFilterByValueDlg | Dialog to sepcify a range of SF values and how the corresponding points should be extracted |
CccGBLSensorProjectionDlg | Ground-based (lidar) sensor parameters dialog |
►CccGeomFeaturesDlg | Dialog for computing the density of a point clouds |
CccGraphicalSegmentationTool | Graphical segmentation mechanism (with polyline) |
CccGraphicalTransformationTool | Dialog + mechanism for graphical transformation of entities |
CccHistogramWindow | Histogram widget |
CccHistogramWindowDlg | Encapsulating dialog for ccHistogramWindow |
►CccInnerRect2DFinder | Finds a the biggets enclosed rectangle in a point cloud (2D) |
CccInterpolationDlg | Dialog for generic interpolation algorithms |
CccItemSelectionDlg | Dialog to select one or multiple items |
CccLabelingDlg | Dialog to define connected components labelinng parameters |
CccMatchScalesDlg | Scales matching tool dialog |
CccNoiseFilterDlg | Dialog for noise filtering (based on the distance to the implicit local surface) |
CccNormalComputationDlg | Dialog for normal computation |
CccOrderChoiceDlg | Dialog to assign roles to two entities (e.g. compared/reference) |
CccOrthoSectionGenerationDlg | Dialog for generating orthogonal sections along a path (Section Extraction Tool) |
CccPlaneEditDlg | Dialog to create (or edit the parameters) of a plane |
CccPointListPickingDlg | Dialog/interactor to graphically pick a list of points |
►CccPointPairRegistrationDlg | |
CccPointPickingGenericInterface | |
CccPointPropertiesDlg | Dialog for simple point picking (information, distance, etc.) |
CccPrimitiveDistanceDlg | Dialog for cloud sphere or cloud plane comparison setting |
CccPrimitiveFactoryDlg | Primitive factory |
CccPropertiesTreeDelegate | GUI properties list dialog element |
CccPtsSamplingDlg | Dialog: points sampling on a mesh |
►CccRasterizeTool | Rasterize tool (dialog) |
CccRecentFiles | |
CccRegistrationDlg | Point cloud or mesh registration dialog |
CccRegistrationTools | Registration tools wrapper |
►CccScalarFieldArithmeticsDlg | Dialog to choose 2 scalar fields (SF) and one operation for arithmetics processing |
CccScalarFieldFromColorDlg | Dialog to choose 2 scalar fields (SF) and one operation for arithmetics processing |
CccScaleDlg | Scale / multiply dialog |
CccSectionExtractionSubDlg | Dialog for generating sections along one or several 2D polylines (Section Extraction Tool) |
►CccSectionExtractionTool | Section extraction tool |
CccSelectChildrenDlg | Minimal dialog to pick one element in a list (combo box) |
CccSensorComputeDistancesDlg | Dialog for sensor range computation |
CccSensorComputeScatteringAnglesDlg | Dialog for scattering angles computation |
CccSmoothPolylineDialog | Dialog to smooth a polyline (Chaikin algorithm) |
CccSORFilterDlg | Dialog to choose which dimension(s) (X, Y or Z) should be exported as SF(s) |
CccStatisticalTestDlg | Dialog for the Local Statistical Test tool |
CccSubsamplingDlg | Subsampling cloud dialog |
►CccTracePolylineTool | Graphical Polyline Tracing tool |
CccUnrollDlg | Dialog: unroll clould on a cylinder or a cone |
►CccVolumeCalcTool | Volume calculation tool (dialog) |
CccWaveDialog | Waveform dialog |
CccWaveWidget | Waveform widget |
CCommandApplyTransformation | |
CCommandApproxDensity | |
CCommandAutoSave | |
CCommandC2CDist | |
CCommandC2MDist | |
CCommandChangeCloudOutputFormat | |
CCommandChangeHierarchyOutputFormat | |
CCommandChangeMeshOutputFormat | |
CCommandChangeOutputFormat | |
CCommandChangePLYExportFormat | |
CCommandClear | |
CCommandClearClouds | |
CCommandClearMeshes | |
CCommandClearNormals | |
CCommandColorBanding | |
CCommandComputeMeshVolume | |
CCommandConvertNormalsToDipAndDipDir | |
CCommandConvertNormalsToHSV | |
CCommandConvertNormalsToSFs | |
CCommandCoordToSF | |
CCommandCPS | |
CCommandCrop | |
CCommandCrop2D | |
CCommandCrossSection | |
CCommandCurvature | |
CCommandDelaunayTri | |
CCommandDensity | |
CCommandDist | |
CCommandDropGlobalShift | |
CCommandExtractCCs | |
CCommandExtractVertices | |
CCommandFeature | |
CCommandFilterBySFValue | |
CCommandFlipTriangles | |
CCommandForceNormalsComputation | |
CCommandICP | |
CCommandInvertNormal | |
CCommandLoad | |
CCommandLogFile | |
CCommandMatchBBCenters | |
CCommandMatchBestFitPlane | |
CCommandMergeClouds | |
CCommandMergeMeshes | |
CCommandMoment | |
CCommandNoiseFilter | |
CCommandOctreeNormal | |
CCommandOrientNormalsMST | |
CCommandPopClouds | |
CCommandPopMeshes | |
CCommandRasterize | |
CCommandRemoveAllSFs | |
CCommandRemoveNormals | |
CCommandRemoveRGB | |
CCommandRemoveScanGrids | |
CCommandRemoveSF | |
CCommandRGBConvertToSF | |
CCommandRoughness | |
CCommandSampleMesh | |
CCommandSave | |
CCommandSaveClouds | |
CCommandSaveMeshes | |
CCommandSetActiveSF | |
CCommandSetNoTimestamp | |
CCommandSFArithmetic | |
CCommandSFColorScale | |
CCommandSFConvertToRGB | |
CCommandSFGradient | |
CCommandSFOperation | |
CCommandSFRename | |
CCommandSORFilter | |
CCommandStatTest | |
CCommandSubsample | |
CCommandVolume25D | |
CdbTreeSelectionInfo | Precise statistics about current selection |
CIsolines | |
CMainWindow | Main window |
CMatrixDisplayDlg | Simple widget to display a 4x4 matrix in various formats |
CQCPArrow | QCustomPlot: small arrows at the bottom |
CQCPBarsWithText | QCustomPlot: vertical bar with text along side |
►CQCPColoredBars | QCustomPlot: colored histogram |
CQCPHiddenArea | QCustomPlot: greyed areas |
CQCPSelectableCursor | QCustomPlot: selectable cursor interface |
CsfEditDlg | GUI scalar field interactor for properties list dialog |