qCC version 2.13.alpha (Qt) - 31 May 2022
Main CloudCompare application (GUI & command line)
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Ccc2Point5DimEditor2.5D data editor (generic interface)
 CccAdjustZoomDlgDialog to set the current focal of a 3D view (or equivalently the pixel size)
 CccAlignDlgRough registration dialog
 CccApplyTransformationDlgDialog to input a 4x4 matrix
 CccAskThreeDoubleValuesDlgGeneric dialog to query 3 (double) values
 CccAskTwoDoubleValuesDlgDialog to input 2 values with custom labels
 CccBoundingBoxEditorDlgDialog to define the extents of a 3D box
 CccCamSensorProjectionDlgCamera sensor parameters dialog
 CccClippingBoxRepeatDlgDialog for managing clipping box based repeated processes
 CccClippingBoxToolDialog for managing a clipping box
 CccColorFromScalarDlgDialog to change the color levels
 CccColorGradientDlgDialog to define a color gradient (default, with 2 colors, banding, etc.)
 CccColorLevelsDlgDialog to change the color levels
 CccCommandLineParserCommand line parser
 CccComparisonDlgDialog for cloud/cloud or cloud/mesh comparison setting
 CccComputeOctreeDlgDialog for octree computation
 CccContourLinesGeneratorContour lines generator
 CccCropToolCropping tool
 CccCustomDoubleValidatorValidator class (accepts only double numbers and replaces the comma by a point automatically)
 CccCustomQListWidgetCustom QListWidget to allow for the copy of all selected elements when using CTRL+C
 CccCustomQTreeViewCustom QTreeView widget (for advanced selection behavior)
 CccDBRootGUI database tree root
 CccEntitySelectionDialogDialog to select one or multiple entities
 CccEnvelopeExtractorEnvelope extractor (with debug GUI)
 CccEnvelopeExtractorDlgDialog for debugging envelope extraction
 CccExportCoordToSFDlgDialog to choose which dimension(s) (X, Y or Z) should be exported as SF(s)
 CccFilterByValueDlgDialog to sepcify a range of SF values and how the corresponding points should be extracted
 CccGBLSensorProjectionDlgGround-based (lidar) sensor parameters dialog
 CccGeomFeaturesDlgDialog for computing the density of a point clouds
 CccGraphicalSegmentationToolGraphical segmentation mechanism (with polyline)
 CccGraphicalTransformationToolDialog + mechanism for graphical transformation of entities
 CccHistogramWindowHistogram widget
 CccHistogramWindowDlgEncapsulating dialog for ccHistogramWindow
 CccInnerRect2DFinderFinds a the biggets enclosed rectangle in a point cloud (2D)
 CccInterpolationDlgDialog for generic interpolation algorithms
 CccItemSelectionDlgDialog to select one or multiple items
 CccLabelingDlgDialog to define connected components labelinng parameters
 CccMatchScalesDlgScales matching tool dialog
 CccNoiseFilterDlgDialog for noise filtering (based on the distance to the implicit local surface)
 CccNormalComputationDlgDialog for normal computation
 CccOrderChoiceDlgDialog to assign roles to two entities (e.g. compared/reference)
 CccOrthoSectionGenerationDlgDialog for generating orthogonal sections along a path (Section Extraction Tool)
 CccPlaneEditDlgDialog to create (or edit the parameters) of a plane
 CccPointListPickingDlgDialog/interactor to graphically pick a list of points
 CccPointPropertiesDlgDialog for simple point picking (information, distance, etc.)
 CccPrimitiveDistanceDlgDialog for cloud sphere or cloud plane comparison setting
 CccPrimitiveFactoryDlgPrimitive factory
 CccPropertiesTreeDelegateGUI properties list dialog element
 CccPtsSamplingDlgDialog: points sampling on a mesh
 CccRasterizeToolRasterize tool (dialog)
 CccRegistrationDlgPoint cloud or mesh registration dialog
 CccRegistrationToolsRegistration tools wrapper
 CccScalarFieldArithmeticsDlgDialog to choose 2 scalar fields (SF) and one operation for arithmetics processing
 CccScalarFieldFromColorDlgDialog to choose 2 scalar fields (SF) and one operation for arithmetics processing
 CccScaleDlgScale / multiply dialog
 CccSectionExtractionSubDlgDialog for generating sections along one or several 2D polylines (Section Extraction Tool)
 CccSectionExtractionToolSection extraction tool
 CccSelectChildrenDlgMinimal dialog to pick one element in a list (combo box)
 CccSensorComputeDistancesDlgDialog for sensor range computation
 CccSensorComputeScatteringAnglesDlgDialog for scattering angles computation
 CccSmoothPolylineDialogDialog to smooth a polyline (Chaikin algorithm)
 CccSORFilterDlgDialog to choose which dimension(s) (X, Y or Z) should be exported as SF(s)
 CccStatisticalTestDlgDialog for the Local Statistical Test tool
 CccSubsamplingDlgSubsampling cloud dialog
 CccTracePolylineToolGraphical Polyline Tracing tool
 CccUnrollDlgDialog: unroll clould on a cylinder or a cone
 CccVolumeCalcToolVolume calculation tool (dialog)
 CccWaveDialogWaveform dialog
 CccWaveWidgetWaveform widget
 CdbTreeSelectionInfoPrecise statistics about current selection
 CMainWindowMain window
 CMatrixDisplayDlgSimple widget to display a 4x4 matrix in various formats
 CQCPArrowQCustomPlot: small arrows at the bottom
 CQCPBarsWithTextQCustomPlot: vertical bar with text along side
 CQCPColoredBarsQCustomPlot: colored histogram
 CQCPHiddenAreaQCustomPlot: greyed areas
 CQCPSelectableCursorQCustomPlot: selectable cursor interface
 CsfEditDlgGUI scalar field interactor for properties list dialog