Dear CloudCompare enthusiasts,
A new version has been released
You'll find it here: 32 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/CloudCompare_bin_32bits_v2 4_01_13_2013 zip 64 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/CloudCompare_bin_64bits_v2 4_01_13_2013 zip
A new method, 2 new supported formats, a few other improvements and a lot of bug fixes for this release: - LAZ files support (with laszip - thanks to Ingo Maindorfer) - STL mesh files support - New tool: export clouds coordinates (X, Y or Z) as scalar fields * you'll find it in 'Tools > Projection > Export coordinate(s) to scalar field(s)' * very useful to display heights with a color scale or to segment out points depending on their height - New shortcut: 'Z' to zoom and center camera on selected entities (magnifier icon) - Toggle shortcuts are now applied RECURSIVELY to any kind of object (even a group for instance) (reminder: 'N' for normals, 'C' for colors, 'S' for active scalar field and 'V' for visibility) - Enhancements: * primitives don't loose their attributes (colors, SF, etc ) anymore when cloned (they still loose them if display precision is changed however ) * CC will only display one global progress bar when loading E57 files with many scans (>10) - Bug fixes: * a space character was missing when exporting a cloud with normals in ASCII format! * e57 scan names were ignored on import * OBJ (sub)meshes names were ignored on import * a selection composed of parents and (some of their) siblings would produce a corrupted BIN file on export * in some cases users could freely segment mesh vertices causing a crash * in some cases mesh cloning would fail for no (good) reason * when loading primitives from a BIN V2 file, a supplementary (empty) 'vertices' cloud was created * mesh groups normals are now correctly handled (they can be safely deleted, exported, etc )
You'll also find the new ccViewer versions here: 32 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/ccViewer_v1 23_32bits_01_13_2013 zip 64 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/ccViewer_v1 23_64bits_01_13_2013 zip
And last but not least, for those who have asked me how they could make donations to the project, this is now possible via 'Pledgie': http://pledgie com/campaigns/19052
CloudCompare Admin
P S : - the (Windows) 32 bits versions have been compiled with Visual Studio 2008 You may have to install Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) to launch them - the (Windows) 64 bits versions have been compiled with Visual Studio 2010 You may have to install Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) to launch them
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