Dear CloudCompare enthusiasts,
The SVN repository is definitely down and is replaced by a "Git" repository This new repository is hosted on GitHub (https://github com/cloudcompare/trunk) Linux users can already replace their old SVN repository by a "clone" of the git main repository
For windows users, a new version has been released It fixes two minor bugs: - plane orientation tool was always returning a wrong plane normal ( N(0,0,1) by default ) - segmenting a primitive or an entity with associated primitives would make CC crash (primitive segmentation is disabled for the moment!)
You'll find it here: 32 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/CloudCompare_bin_32bits_v2 4_11_06_2012 zip 64 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/CloudCompare_bin_64bits_v2 4_11_06_2012 zip
CloudCompare Admin
P S : - the (Windows) 32 bits versions have been compiled with Visual Studio 2008 You may have to install Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) to launch them - the (Windows) 64 bits versions have been compiled with Visual Studio 2010 You may have to install Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) to launch them
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