CloudCompare Update List Message

From: "CloudCompare Update List" <cloudcompare@PROTECTED>
Date: July 18th 2012

Dear CloudCompare enthusiasts,

A new version has been released

You'll find it here: 32 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/CloudCompare_bin_32bits_v2 4_07_18_2012 zip 64 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/CloudCompare_bin_64bits_v2 4_07_18_2012 zip

And for the new features: - qRansac_SD plugin is back (at least for Windows versions)! It's a port of "Efficient RANSAC for Point-Cloud Shape Detection" by Schnabel et al - Bilateral gaussian filter for scalar fields added (Thanks Luca) - Ranges computation from a sensor added (Thanks Luca) - Scattering angles computation from a sensor added (Thanks Luca) - Loaded mesh vertices that are not shared by mutliple sub-meshes are not 'locked' by default anymore - No more system console on Windows - Bugs fixed: * under certain circumstances, when two clouds with different scalar fields were fused, random values would be set to the points that hadn't any before (instead of NaN) * a bug with the internal timer was preventing CC from properly updating mesh bounding-boxes (after a transformation typically) or the messages in 3D views from disappearing * PLY files with comment lines before the format line (in header) would be rejected by the new version of RPLY (RPLY has been patched to accept this again)

You'll also find the new ccViewer versions here: 32 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/ccViewer_v1 0 17_32bits_07_18_2012 zip 64 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/ccViewer_v1 0 17_64bits_07_18_2012 zip


CloudCompare Admin

P S : - the 32 bits versions have been compiled with Visual Studio 2008 You may have to install Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) to launch them - the 64 bits versions have been compiled with Visual Studio 2010 You may have to install Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) to launch them

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