CloudCompare Update List Message

From: "CloudCompare Update List" <cloudcompare@PROTECTED>
Date: October 31st 2012

Dear CloudCompare enthusiasts,

A new version has been released

You'll find it here: 32 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/CloudCompare_bin_32bits_v2 4_10_31_2012 zip 64 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/CloudCompare_bin_64bits_v2 4_10_31_2012 zip

And for the new features (quite a lot for this release!): - New primitive objects: cone, torus, dish, box, snout and profile extrusion - New format (and the first 'CAD' one): Aveva PDMS mac scripts (support for all above primitives + already existing ones: cylinder, planes and spheres) - Height grid generation (=rasterization) upgraded: * source cloud's scalar field(s) can now be projected as well (+ various options to interpolate the SF values in each cell) * main projection dimension can be set (X, Y or Z) - Points sampling on a mesh upgraded: normals (per-triangle or per-vertices), colors and/or textures of the source mesh can be interpolated - New filters available in qPCL plugin (thanks to Luca): * remove outliers using statistical approach (SIFT keypoints) * smooth (and optionally upsample) a point cloud using MLS estimators - New button added in the graphical segmentation tool: "confirm and delete hidden points" It's basically a shortcut: hidden points are automatically deleted and the original cloud is not split in two - New entries in the DB tree context menu: "Expand branch" and "Collapse branch" (to fully expand/collapse a branch) - Bug fixes: * the normal index for each face vertex was missing when saving a mesh with per-vertex normals to an OBJ file (this would typically make Meshlab crash ;) Just open them with this new version of CC and overwrite them to fix them * potential crash when using the research option 'enable furthest points removal' during registration (ICP) - PLY files saved by CloudCompare have (once again) field names "compatible" with MeshLab The 'vertex_indices' field has changed to 'vertex_indexes' in the last versions of CC and this make Meshlab crash (I've already ranted about that before: the PLY format doesn't impose any particular field name and it's the responsiblity of the loader to handle that Paraview do this wonderfully for instance ;)

You'll also find the new ccViewer versions here: 32 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/ccViewer_v1 0 20_32bits_10_31_2012 zip 64 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/ccViewer_v1 0 20_64bits_10_31_2012 zip


CloudCompare Admin

P S : - for Linux users: sorry it seems that the SVN server is no more accessible (for a few days now) I hope it will be back on track soon! - the (Windows) 32 bits versions have been compiled with Visual Studio 2008 You may have to install Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) to launch them - the (Windows) 64 bits versions have been compiled with Visual Studio 2010 You may have to install Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) to launch them

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