Dear CloudCompare enthusiasts,
A new version has been released This is a major release with lots of new features, but it's also a major 'beta' version (especially the 64 bits portage) So please be careful when working with it and don't hesitate to declare any bug (via the forum, emails or the mantis bug-tracker) Any feedback will be gladly appreciated
You'll find it here: 32 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/CloudCompare_bin_32bits_v2 4_06_24_2012 zip 64 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/CloudCompare_bin_64bits_v2 4_06_24_2012 zip
These releases have been compiled with Visual Studio 2008 You may have to install Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) to launch them
And for the new features: - As you may have already guessed: 64 bits version are now available (Windows & Linux) - Introducing BIN "V2" format (highly enhanced): * almost any type of entity and their display option can be saved (all selected elements with their siblings) * this format can freely evolve while keeping backward compatibility (integrated version management) * loading time is much faster * 32/64 bits compatible - Point picking now spawns graphical labels * labels can simply be created anytime by holding the SHIFT key and clicking on a 3D point * labels are independant objects that can be moved on screen, hidden, saved (BIN V2), etc * labels can be collapsed with a right click * point list picking and point/segment/triplet picking dialogs have been updated accordingly - New format supported: E57 point clouds (ASTM E2807 standard) thanks to libE57 (http://www libe57 org) - New plugin: 'qPCL' a wrapper to the PCL library (http://pointclouds org) For the moment, it only allows for loading and saving PCD files and computing normals on a point cloud But many filters will follow! (thanks to Luca Penasa) - New method: conversion from cloud normals to HSV colors (Edit > Normals > Convert to HSV) - Scalar fields boundaries can now be set by user (check the 'release boundaries' checkbox in the scalar field properties and manually set the desired values in the min and max 'displayed' values spinboxes) - Distance computation tool can now split the result along each dimension (X,Y and Z) in the case of cloud-cloud distance (very usefull to get only the vertical displacement for instance) - DB tree elements now have a context menu (right click) to enable/disable standard features (visibility, color, normals, scalar field) or delete the selected element(s), etc - Entities in the DB tree can now be moved manually (with drag & drop) or sorted alphabetically (via the context menu) - New (empty) groups can be added in the DB tree (via the context menu) - Graphical segmentation tool has been enhanced (rectangular selection with CTRL key + right mouse button pressed, constant feedback, etc ) - Display properties dialog has been reorganized - Histogram labels are now using the 'precision' parameter value (see Display > Display Settings) - Image ortho-rectification enhanced (Bundler import filter): * bug fix: the previous version was generating ortho-rectified images with a non constant pixel scale! * a 'ortho_rectification_log txt' file is now generated along the images with relative position for each (in pixels, relatively to the first image) * images are now processed sequentially, and the user can choose whether they should be kept in memory or not * ortho-rectification as images (on disk) is now available through command line arguments (see wiki: http://www danielgm net/cc/doc/wiki/index php5?title=CommandLine) - Multiple clouds can now be automatically saved in multiple ASCII files * select several clouds then 'Save' them as ASCII files * enter a base name with an extension (hint: any occurence of the string 'cloudname' will be replaced by each cloud name) * CC will generate one file per cloud, with an automatic suffix ('basename_000001 asc', etc ) - ccViewer upgraded: * ccViewer also supports labels (loading and creating with SHIFT+click) * selected entities can now be deleted with the DEL key (or Menu > Options > Selected entity > Delete)
You'll find the new ccViewer versions here: 32 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/ccViewer_v1 0 15_32bits_06_24_2012 zip 64 bits - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/ccViewer_v1 0 15_64bits_06_24_2012 zip
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