Dear CloudCompare enthusiasts,
A new version has been released!
You'll find it here: http://www danielgm net/cc/release/CloudCompare_bin_v2 3_11_22_2011 zip
Newest features are: - A bug in CCLib (ReferenceCloud) has been corrected It may have impacted ICP registration for clouds below 20000 points - the code has been cleaned-up with 'cppcheck' (http://cppcheck sourceforge net/ - great tool!) - the multi-core octree-based computations mechanism is back! (seems that it has mistakenly been disabled a while ago hum hum) - ASCII file loading changed: from now on, only one cloud can be loaded at a time, but the fields order doesn't matter any more (a scalar field can be set before points coordinates, etc ) and loading is also slighlty faster - if available, FBO (Frame Buffer Object) is systematically used to store the last displayed 3D scene This allows very fast redraw of the 3D view when viewpoint and cloud properties are not changed (i e during interactive graphical segmentation, or anytime the application window needs to be redrawn when requested by the OS or Qt - when a menu overlaps the 3D view, or the window is moved, etc )
CloudCompare Admin
P S : ccViewer, the light viewer based on CloudCompare, has also been updated: v 1 08 - http://www danielgm net/cc/release/ccViewer_bin_v2 3_11_22_2011 zip
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