Dear CloudCompare enthusiasts,

A new version has been released. You'll find it here:
Many thanks to all our supporters who made donations on pledgie!
Click here to lend your support to: CloudCompare and make a donation at !

A new release before X-mas, with lots of new features:
GDAL logo
Raster import
Raster export
Adjust zoom dialog
[qSRA] Cloud and profile [qSRA] cylindrical map [qSRA] horizontal profile [qSRA] vertical profile
[qSRA] conical map
qPoissonRecon dialog  qPoissonRecon colored mesh
Apply Transformation dialog V2
Facet normal
GS tool dialog
CC dialog V2
CC output

You'll also find the new ccViewer versions here:
And last but not least, you can make donations to the project  via 'Pledgie': Click here to lend your support to: CloudCompare and make a donation at !


CloudCompare Admin

PS: if you can't read properly this message, you can read it here: