new version has been released. You'll
find it here:
- Windows
- Mac OS X:
- Linux:
- Sources:
Many thanks to all our supporters
who made donations on pledgie!
Once again, a
lot of new features for this release:
- The
'Clipping-box' tool has a new feature: 'contour' extraction
- Contour extraction on the current slice
- Contour extraction on multiple slices (with the 'repeat'
- This is an
early prototype: computes the concave hull of the slice's
- one parameter: maximum edge length (if possible)
- the smaller the finer the contour (but the slower)
- Exports result as one (or several) poyline(s)
- See documentation here:
- The 'plane
orientation' tool is replaced by two tools:
- Tools
> Fit > Plane: same as the old tool
- Tools
> Fit > 2D polygon: almost the same, but the
fitted entity is a facet (composite entity with a polyline
corresponding to the contour and a mesh corresponding to the 'inside')
- Both tools
now output the orientation with the "dip direction / dip angle" convention
- 3D polylines
can now be defined with the 'Point List Picking' tool
- select a list of points then 'export' it as a polyline
- the polyline width is
customizable (see its properties)
- note that the the 'Tools > Other >
Plane orientation' tool can now also be used on polylines
- Early DXF (Autocad) support:
- only to output polylines for now (see above tools)
- CC can also import DXF files with points and polylines (but without color, text, etc. for the moment)
- warning: DXF can save 3D coordinates
but Autocad doesn't seem to handle them properly... therefore the user
is advised to save polyines in the (X,Y) plane only
- Other improvements:
- Mesh groups are replaced by standard
meshes with 'sub-meshes' structures (simple subsets of faces)
- OBJ materials (and textures) export is
now supported
- New option for Delaunay mesh
- a max
edge length can be specified to automatically remove elongated triangles
- New check-box in the LAS open dialog:
apply same parameters to all files that will be opened next (current
- User can now choose whether overlay
items (scale, trihedron, etc.) should be rendered or not by the 'Display
> Render to file' tool
- The progress bar "Cancel" button has
no focus anymore:
- for
instance, this allows the user to keep the "Enter" key pressed while
loading multiple files with the default loading
parameters (i.e. manually "skipping" the opening dialog for ASCII files
for instance)
- The 'Align camera' tool
- now outputs the
applied matrix so that
you can apply it with the 'Edit > Apply transformation' tool to
actually rotate an entity the same way
- now can also be used on the new 'facet' entity (see above)
- Polyline's length now appears
automatically in the 'Properties' view
Bug fixes:
- text was misplaced when rendering
screen with a zoom factor greater than 1. Other
features were also badly reshaped (fonts, scale, color ramp, trihedron,
- the 'max distance' parameter for
cloud/mesh distance computation was incorrectly squared before being
- materials where not associated to the
base mesh when loading composite OBJ files (this could lead to crash
when saving
the composite mesh as PLY for instance)
- curvature or normal computation would
sometimes fail on perfectly flat axis-aligned clouds (division by zero)
- the 'multiple slices auto extraction'
tool (clipping box mode) would crash if at least one 'repeat dimension' was
- Height Grid Generation tool would
crash when generating a grid with SF interpolation and the 'leave empty' option
for empty cells.
- when cloning a cloud, the scalar field
display options (color scales, steps, etc.) were not duplicated.
- when trying to save an entity which
name made an invalid filename, the file saving dialog wouldn't open (now a
warning message is issued and the default 'project' name is used
- Graphical segmentation area type
selection icons would 'disappear' when toggled
also find the new ccViewer versions here:
- Windows
- Linux and Mac OS:
- same as of CloudCompare (see above)
last but not least, you can make donations to the project via

PS: if you can't read
properly this message, you can read it here: