Issue Comparing Diver-Derived and ROV-Derived Photogrammetry Models in CloudCompare

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Issue Comparing Diver-Derived and ROV-Derived Photogrammetry Models in CloudCompare

Post by Iona89_Tritonia »


I'm currently working on comparing two photogrammetry models to assess their accuracy. One model was created using data collected by a diver and has been locally scaled, while the other model was derived from a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and uses georeferencing. However, I'm encountering a problem in CloudCompare where the ROV-derived model is only displaying as a line, rather than a full 3D model.

I've double-checked the file formats and the import settings, but I can't seem to resolve this display issue. The goal is to perform a cloud-to-cloud distance measurement between the two models to evaluate their accuracy. Does anyone have insights on why the ROV model might be displaying incorrectly or how to fix this issue in CloudCompare? Any tips on ensuring both models are properly aligned and ready for comparison would also be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help!
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Re: Issue Comparing Diver-Derived and ROV-Derived Photogrammetry Models in CloudCompare

Post by daniel »

Generally, when this issue happens (a 'linear' cloud), this is due to the cloud being saved with a Geographic coordinate system (with angular coordinates for X and Y, and metric coordinates for Z, and a totally different scale).

CloudCompare doesn't automatically convert these geographic coordinates to cartesian ones (all metric). So you would have to convert them yourself prior to importing them in CloudCompare.

Another option is that there's simply a difference of units between one dimension and the 2 others. In which case you could simply use 'Edit > Multiply / Scale'. But that's very unlikely.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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