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PLY-file command line apply SF

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 9:39 am
by Michael123

I have a point cloud (PLY-file, ASCII) which I would like to edit in CC in command line mode. I want to filter based on a scalar field (confidence), but the values are still kept in the final PC. It doesn't complain when I am setting the Value to 'confidence' (see below), but I have the feeling that the SF is not applied when I open the PLY-File in command line mode. Is there a way to manually apply the SF in command line mode?
Unfortunately I might have to stick with editing the PLY-File in ASCII-format, as I have sampling/rastering problems with exporting the file in PLY-binary-format with the prvious software (Metashape). By importing and editing a simple ASCII-File I always have to use a SF-Index instead of a name, which might vary during the process.

Results from logFile:

Doesn't work with confidence:
Set active S.F. name: 'confidence'
Interval: [5 - 255]

works with M3C2:
Set active S.F. name: 'M3C2 distance'
Interval: [MIN - -0.25]
Cloud 'dense_cloud_confidence - Cloud.extract.cropped' --> 785476/29044817 points remaining

Re: PLY-file command line apply SF

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 9:27 am
by daniel
Ply files are quite complex to handle in the sense that there's not a single convention for the naming of the various fields. So it's possible that the command line mode is not able to detect your 'scalar fields' as such.

Can you send me a small example file? (to 'admin[at]')

Re: PLY-file command line apply SF

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 9:13 am
by Michael123
Hi Daniel,

I just sent you an E-Mail. Thank you for your help in advance!