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Exporting as .txt file, formatting

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:26 am
by digitidope
Hi! Im new to working with point clouds and when exporting from cloud compare a file is created with many lines of text. Im not sure what format this is in, and how I can get this .txt file to be lined up in the 3 linex (x y z) that other programs use to calculate terrain from the point cloud data.

Does anyone have any tips to how one can format this output from cloud compare to make it usable in a program that reads x y z data?

Re: Exporting as .txt file, formatting

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 10:31 am
by westergu
By lines I assume you mean columns. Basically you have to get rid of all other information than coordinates from the cloud. So just clear (Edit menu) the normals, color and all scalar fields from the cloud. After that simply save the file in txt-format.

Re: Exporting as .txt file, formatting

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2023 12:02 pm
by digitidope
Thank you! I will try!