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RASTER to Point Cloud, slope angle

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 10:22 am
by dan_uhl_midi
Just a quick tip, after looking for a long time for good solution. If you need to create a scalar field on your points based on data from another raster, follow this tutorial:

For example, I want to see slope angle as a scalar field on my cloud. CC can't compute this but it is easy enough to:

1) Export point cloud as rasterised tif.
2) Open in QGIS or other GIS software. Calculate slope angle
3) Save as geotiff
4) Open back up in CC making sure to keep same exact global shift
4) Use the "Scalar Field" > "Interpolate from another entity"
5) As long as you go from the same point cloud in CC, to QGIS, and back again, it works like a charm.

N.B. You might need to use the move tool to get the geotiff directly underneath other point cloud otherwise the interpolate tool will have an error saying there is too much distance.