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Correcting misaligned point cloud data

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:13 pm
by crobar
I have a cloud which seems to be made up of three separate sets of points. The cloud is a laser scan of a wind turbine blade. A slice through the cloud is shown below where you can see there are three distinct areas which appear misaligned. These are not from three separate files, I just have a single .asc file of all points.
blade_slice.png (9.98 KiB) Viewed 502 times
Would it be possible to realign these point sets? There's no easy way to select the sets that I can see, even though visually it's pretty clear. The most impotent part is the 'fat' side, on the right of the top image, known as the 'leading edge' of the blade.

The overall geometry looks like this:
blade_full.png (114.54 KiB) Viewed 502 times

Re: Correcting misaligned point cloud data

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 10:32 am
by daniel
So it's just one point clouds with several parts badly registered together?

In this case, that's definitely a problem ;). If you can spit the cloud in multiple parts with the scissors tool, then you could try to register them with the ICP tool or a similar approach.

Do you have by pure change a scalar field that would help you differentiate the different scans? (timestamp, source index, etc.)