Perspective button and generate report

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Jacob Collstrup
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:53 am

Perspective button and generate report

Post by Jacob Collstrup »


I really like this program, it just solved a problem I couldn't figure out how to do between Leica Cyclone and Bentley Microstation. Since its my first day using this program I'm not very familiar with it, so my two requests might already be implemented and I just haven't found them when I looked for them.

1. Generate a txt-file report of the results of comparisons, max deviation, min deviation, mean and median, std. deviations and such, for use as technical documentation of an analysis.
2. A button to quickly switch between orthographic and perspective view modes.

Best regards,

Jacob Collstrup
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Location: Grenoble, France

Re: Perspective button and generate report

Post by daniel »


1. There's no such advanced tool yet (it's in the 'long term' pipe). For the moment, you can compute the mean value and with the 'Statistical model fitting' tool (the 'graph with a mu and sigma' icon). The best thing if there's not too much points is to export the result as an ASCII file and then import it in Excel for instance).
2. The F3 and F4 buttons should do what you want ;)

Best wishes,

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