Install not copying in directory
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 2:56 am
I spent 4 days trying to make the debugging working. I went through so many issues. It looks like my last issue is to make the build the INSTALL project does not copy the files.
Here is what i have done:
I tried the and also the
CMake version 3.19.2
i build the binaries at .../Documents/source/repos/ccbuild16
I clicked on the buttion "add entry" in cmake and i added those entries.
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH C:/Qt/Qt5.9.0/5.9/msvc2017_64 (i tried 5.9.9 and 5.12.10 but i could not run the configure. It may be related to the installation of the QT, there are a lots of options I can check)
I tried a couple of different path. c:/cc, But i think the correct one is ...Documents/source/repos/ccbuild16/qCC/Release because it looks like this is where visual studio is trying to load CloudCompare.
After i clicked on Configure (visual studio 2017 and x64)... no errors. I run the generate.
Then I open the All_build solution (in visual studio), switch to release, then right click on the solution, go to properties and select Cloudcompare for the single solution startup. run the build.
I did the same thing for the install solution. then i expect some files would be copied to ...Documents/source/repos/ccbuild16/qCC/Release but i only se the CloudCompare.exe.
if I run the project, I see missing dll for instance
CloudCompare.exe - Erreur système
Impossible d’exécuter le code, car QCC_IO_LIB.dll est introuvable. La réinstallation du programme peut corriger ce problème.
it does that for couple of files.
If i copy all the files from the normal installation in c:program files/cloudcompare,
It will run, but i doubt it will debug correctly.
I can manually copy the file one buy one from diffentes folders to the ...Documents/source/repos/ccbuild16/qCC/Release but at the end i have this error
CloudCompare.exe - Erreur d’application
L’application n’a pas réussi à démarrer correctement (0xc000007b). Cliquez sur OK pour fermer l’application.
I am wondering if it may be related to my video Card? I saw a similar issue from another user in this forum.
Or maybe from Input director? It is a software to allow to use the same mouse and keybord on differents computers.
I am completely stuck, and I don't want do give up. I would really appreciate help.
I spent 4 days trying to make the debugging working. I went through so many issues. It looks like my last issue is to make the build the INSTALL project does not copy the files.
Here is what i have done:
I tried the and also the
CMake version 3.19.2
i build the binaries at .../Documents/source/repos/ccbuild16
I clicked on the buttion "add entry" in cmake and i added those entries.
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH C:/Qt/Qt5.9.0/5.9/msvc2017_64 (i tried 5.9.9 and 5.12.10 but i could not run the configure. It may be related to the installation of the QT, there are a lots of options I can check)
I tried a couple of different path. c:/cc, But i think the correct one is ...Documents/source/repos/ccbuild16/qCC/Release because it looks like this is where visual studio is trying to load CloudCompare.
After i clicked on Configure (visual studio 2017 and x64)... no errors. I run the generate.
Then I open the All_build solution (in visual studio), switch to release, then right click on the solution, go to properties and select Cloudcompare for the single solution startup. run the build.
I did the same thing for the install solution. then i expect some files would be copied to ...Documents/source/repos/ccbuild16/qCC/Release but i only se the CloudCompare.exe.
if I run the project, I see missing dll for instance
CloudCompare.exe - Erreur système
Impossible d’exécuter le code, car QCC_IO_LIB.dll est introuvable. La réinstallation du programme peut corriger ce problème.
it does that for couple of files.
If i copy all the files from the normal installation in c:program files/cloudcompare,
It will run, but i doubt it will debug correctly.
I can manually copy the file one buy one from diffentes folders to the ...Documents/source/repos/ccbuild16/qCC/Release but at the end i have this error
CloudCompare.exe - Erreur d’application
L’application n’a pas réussi à démarrer correctement (0xc000007b). Cliquez sur OK pour fermer l’application.
I am wondering if it may be related to my video Card? I saw a similar issue from another user in this forum.
Or maybe from Input director? It is a software to allow to use the same mouse and keybord on differents computers.
I am completely stuck, and I don't want do give up. I would really appreciate help.