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Lost Y Coordinates of a Cloud after importing

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:21 pm
by thp
Ive converted an .obj Data into a Pointcloud and saved it as an txt. After Importing it to Solidworks 2012 it lost the Y Expansions. I cant figure out what ive messed up. Would be nice if somone could tell me if I made a mistake while exporting the Cloud, or if this is a Bug.

Many thanks


Re: Lost Y Coordinates of a Cloud after importing

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:21 pm
by daniel
Can't reproduce the bug on my side (with the last online version).

When you open the ASCII file with a text editor, what do you see? Does the second column only contains 0?

Re: Lost Y Coordinates of a Cloud after importing

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:43 pm
by thp
The entire File is this this (only tried a small platonian Objekt to test)


0,000000 30,000000 50,000000 0,010756 0,527065 0,849757
0,000000 -30,000000 50,000000 0,010756 -0,527065 0,849757
50,000000 0,000000 30,000000 0,849757 0,010756 0,527065
50,000000 0,000000 -30,000000 0,849757 0,010756 -0,527065
0,000000 30,000000 -50,000000 0,010756 0,527065 -0,849757
0,000000 -30,000000 -50,000000 0,010756 -0,527065 -0,849757
-50,000000 0,000000 -30,000000 -0,849757 0,010756 -0,527065
-50,000000 0,000000 30,000000 -0,849757 0,010756 0,527065
30,000000 50,000000 0,000000 0,527065 0,849757 0,010756
-30,000000 50,000000 0,000000 -0,527065 0,849757 0,010756
-30,000000 -50,000000 0,000000 -0,527065 -0,849757 0,010756
30,000000 -50,000000 0,000000 0,527065 -0,849757 0,010756


Re: Lost Y Coordinates of a Cloud after importing

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:03 pm
by daniel
When I do the test I got:
0.000000 30.901699 50.000000 0.010756 0.527065 0.849757
0.000000 -30.901699 50.000000 0.010756 -0.527065 0.849757
50.000000 0.000000 30.901699 0.849757 0.010756 0.527065
50.000000 0.000000 -30.901699 0.849757 0.010756 -0.527065
0.000000 30.901699 -50.000000 0.010756 0.527065 -0.849757
0.000000 -30.901699 -50.000000 0.010756 -0.527065 -0.849757
-50.000000 0.000000 -30.901699 -0.849757 0.010756 -0.527065
-50.000000 0.000000 30.901699 -0.849757 0.010756 0.527065
30.901699 50.000000 0.000000 0.527065 0.849757 0.010756
-30.901699 50.000000 0.000000 -0.527065 0.849757 0.010756
-30.901699 -50.000000 0.000000 -0.527065 -0.849757 0.010756
30.901699 -50.000000 0.000000 0.527065 -0.849757 0.010756

The 'Y' coordinate corresponds to the 2nd column (1st = 'X', 2nd = 'Y', 3rd = 'Z', 4th = 'Nx', 5th = 'Ny', 6th = 'Nz'). So it seems ok to me. But in your example you have lost the fractional part?! What version do you use?

Re: Lost Y Coordinates of a Cloud after importing

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:13 pm
by thp
The last one I found on github - I installed it on saturday

(the obj file Ive attached and transformed in a cloud was generated in Cinema 4d)

Re: Lost Y Coordinates of a Cloud after importing

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:15 pm
by thp
Was the .obj file already messed up?

Re: Lost Y Coordinates of a Cloud after importing

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:37 pm
by daniel
No the obj file is good. And my own generated cloud is ok. But your cloud file has 'almost ' good Y coordinates, but the fractional part that is missing...

I've tested with the last github version (on Windows) and I still get the right result. Can't reproduce the ASCII file you've posted.

Are you working on Linux? Do you save the 'vertices' cloud directly or do you perform additional steps?

Re: Lost Y Coordinates of a Cloud after importing

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:07 pm
by thp
generated it on OSX Snow Leopard. Ill try to redo it again when Im at home where it is installed (Im not sure what I did after opening the .obj).

Re: Lost Y Coordinates of a Cloud after importing

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:39 pm
by daniel
Oh, so you are one of the very first user of CC on OS X... There's good chances it's a bug in the OS X version only.

I'll ask you to check one thing: does the round-off on the points coordinates occurs when reading the OBJ file or when saving the ASCII one?

To check this:
  • 'show' the vertices cloud of your OBJ mesh (you may also have to increase the point size to see them)
  • then SHIFT+click on several vertices (or equivalently use the 'point picking tool')
  • assess that the coordinates are at their original position (or not, i.e. "rounded-off")

Re: Lost Y Coordinates of a Cloud after importing

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:10 pm
by thp
Ive tried some objects and got this information in the console:

Platonischer Koerper.obj
[18:02:28] [ObjFilter::Load] 12 points, 20 faces
[18:02:28] [ObjFilter::Load] 32 tex. coords, 0 normals
[18:02:28] [ObjFilter::Load] 1 mesh(es) loaded
[18:02:28] [ObjFilter::Load] Mesh has no normal! We will compute them automatically

This one looks stange in the preview window

[18:25:36] [ObjFilter::Load] /Volumes/USB 8 GIG/Punktwolken/Orange_2.obj
[18:25:36] [ObjFilter::Load] 32930 points, 65856 faces
[18:29:48] [ObjFilter::Load] 1 mesh(es) loaded
[18:25:36] [ObjFilter::Load] Mesh has no normal! We will compute them automatically

This is the same one but scaled by factor 10 in cinema 4d before exporting as an .obj (looks normal now)

[18:29:48] [ObjFilter::Load] /Volumes/USB 8 GIG/Punktwolken/Orange_2Big.obj
[18:29:48] [ObjFilter::Load] 32930 points, 65856 faces
[18:29:48] [ObjFilter::Load] 1 mesh(es) loaded
[18:29:48] [ObjFilter::Load] Mesh has no normal! We will compute them automatically

I didnt do anything to them except opening and exporting...

I also got no idea how to exit the picking point tool (bug) - i had do close the program to get out of it.
