"Compute best registration rms matrix"

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"Compute best registration rms matrix"

Post by CaseyM »

Hi daniel,

I was hoping you could explain the "compute best registration rms matrix" tool within the sandbox section of tools in terms of what it does and how?

Also, if I have six meshes, is it at all possible to calculate the RMS for the entire dataset rather than as pairwise comparisons within CC?

I really appreciate your help!
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Re: "Compute best registration rms matrix"

Post by daniel »

Hum, if I remember well, it takes all the clouds and tries to match them 2 by 2, using something like 26 start positions (every 45 degrees for both the longitude and latitude). Then it outputs the best match (as a new cloud), and it optionally saves the result in a CSV file (the result being only the pair of angles and the resulting RMS). I can't remember why we did that!

Otherwise, if you want to compute the RMS with all the points, you can compute the C2C distances, then use the 'Edit > Scalar field > Compute Stat. params' on the cloud with the distances scalar field, and you'll see in the Console the RMS (when the Normal distribution is fitted).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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