Rotation about Z-only during Align by Points Picking

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Rotation about Z-only during Align by Points Picking

Post by lmcbean »

Hello all,

I almost always align my clouds to provided control points/targets using Align (Points Picking). However, sometimes my control coordinates are less than perfect. In such cases, I want to hold my Z-axis vertical, and do a best fit to 4 or more points. In the Translate/Rotate function, I can manually do this by selecting Z as the axis about which to rotate. My vertical remains vertical. When I do the same thing in the Align tool, my Errors go from something like 0.02m with a three-axis rotation, to something like 750m or more for a Z-only rotation. Ideally, the 3-axis (x,y,z) should fit control best, and I generally leave this on. However, when the control is not great, this can allow the Z-axis to be rotated more than I want.

Has anyone else had this problem?

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Re: Rotation about Z-only during Align by Points Picking

Post by daniel »

It would be good for me to have an example of dataset (and control points) so as to reproduce the issue. Can you send it to me? (admin [at]
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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