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removing Bands

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 3:09 pm
by panlotte
Hi everybody.
I'm trying to explain as well i can do.
We have laser scanned race track. The source came from a Flying laser scan from a car moving along a race track. We using a lot of procedure to removing this. Usually meshing and reducing the number of vertices, and smoothing where it nnede with sculptin software.
Anyway i'll like to know and considering any other approach using cloud compare. I'm trying using curvature algorithm to determine the curvature and removing only that. Sometime work(but not great) and more often the time not how i'm expecting..

Ops as bands i'm talking about the tangential error, some patch along the traiettory that cut in traversal the road.
I hope I explained well.


Re: removing Bands

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 6:57 pm
by daniel
Sorry I'm not sure to understand clearly :D

Can you maybe post a snapshot with some annotations?