Two easy ASCII import additions

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Two easy ASCII import additions

Post by vernzimm »


I have been using this software for a few months and it is really excellent at quickly viewing a pointcloud. I have two easy requests...

Allow the use of file format ".gws". This is generated by the software I use (Mitutoyo MCosmos) and is an ASCII file with very minor differences (See "Gear Teeth.gws" attached).

The second is slightly more complicated. The other file ("NSCN-Elem.gws") is also a ".gws" file, but ignore that. When I try to import this file I first skip two "info" lines, then set the rows to X,Y,Z. However, if there is another "info" row in the first (25 or so) lines that display as sample format data, it will not allow me to apply the import filter because there is text. If I delete the first several "info" lines, then it will import (but generates command line errors for each invalid "info" line found later, no problem). So I suppose the request is any kind of fix for this, either allow me to force the import, allow me to set a lower range of sample lines (really I only need to use line #3), or perhaps a way to delete or disable individual lines of the sample.

Thanks for your work on this, and hopefully these are not too difficult to add.
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Re: Two easy ASCII import additions

Post by daniel »

I can't see the '' file. You should put them on a cloud/web hosting solution and put the link here.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Two easy ASCII import additions

Post by vernzimm »

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the reply, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. Hosted file "20180503 Cloud Compare" is at... ... 3287621434

Files are a little different...

-Gear Teeth
----original is the .gws format (can't open in CC)
----2nd is the same but changed to .txt (opens, just need to skip junk lines)

Code: Select all

The original file would import except for the extension ".gws", so I manually edit the extension to .txt, with the mandatory windows caution message each time.

----original as .gws (can't open in CC)
----original as .txt (can open, but can't import without skipping parts of the file)
----cleaned as .txt (opens as long as no info lines in "import" section in first 20(?) lines)

Code: Select all

As you can see with the NSCN-Elem file, even changed to .txt, it is impossible to import without manually deleting enough info lines to get a starting chunk of data. If there are any info lines in the "import" section, even if you override the first three columns to be X,Y,Z and ignore others, it still sees the non-numeric lines in those columns and can't click "apply".

Suggestions as before...
-allow force import (basically allow me to set the columns and import regardless of potential errors)
-allow change in qty of rows considered in "import" section (I don't need all 20)
-allow individual rows to be ignored (as opposed to skipping consecutive rows)
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