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Add a marker?

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 3:32 pm
by ashenkin
Hi all,

We have pointclouds of trees, and will be doing some measurements in the field as we climb them. We'd like to mark the pointcloud somehow to identify where on the tree we conducted the measurements. Is there any way to add a marker of sorts to a pointcloud? If not, and I suspect not, I'm wondering if anyone might have some good ideas as to how we could somehow record where in the pointcloud these measurements were taken? Perhaps extract some points from the area?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Add a marker?

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 5:05 pm
by daniel
You can add 'labels' to a cloud by shift+clicking on the points (or alternatively by using the 'point picking' tool and each time saving the created label - but this is slower). If you want to add some more information you can also rename the labels once they are created in the DB tree (with F2 or double click on their entry in the DB tree).

Once you have created your labels, be sure to save the point cloud as a BIN file (CloudCompare's own file format). This is the only format that can store the labels info.

Re: Add a marker?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 11:13 am
by ashenkin
Thanks Daniel! I'll give it a shot.