The mean value of C2M result

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The mean value of C2M result

Post by pochihlee »


I would like to know when I compare two objects using C2M and the "signed distances" is activated. Then, will the mean distance value show the canceling between the positive distance and negative distance?

If the "signed distances" is not activated, are the result similar to the C2C result? (Because I only consider positive distance)

Thank you for the reply.
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Re: The mean value of C2M result

Post by daniel »

Indeed, the mean distance in this case is not very meaningful (at least it shows if there's a global shift relatively to the object surface: inside or outside). I recommend using the standard deviation in any case as it gives more information.

And yes, if you uncheck the 'signed' distances, then you'll get the exact same type of result as with the C2C tool.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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