Loss of imported color data using color ramp

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Loss of imported color data using color ramp

Post by rbnkc »

Hi, new to cloud compare...
I'm importing a point cloud with color data. If I look at the cloud using the Edit/Height Ramp feature I am losing the original color data and can't get it back. is there a way, that I am not aware of, to switch back and forth between these two color sets. or keep both the original and height ramp info? While I'm asking, is there a way to have the height ramp with a scale on the side?

This is a truly remarkable program btw.
Thanks in advance,
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Re: Loss of imported color data using color ramp

Post by daniel »

There's only one RGB field per entity. But you can clone the entity (with Edit > Clone, or the "two sheep" icon) and show one or the other.

And to get a height ramp with a color scale, you have to generate a 'scalar' field instead of an RGB field. To do this use the 'Edit > SFs > Export coordinate(s) to SF' option (see http://www.cloudcompare.org/doc/wiki/in ... )_to_SF(s)). This will create a scalar field with the X, Y or Z coordinates. You can then display this scalar field with the various default color scales (or even create a custom one). And you can display the corresponding color ramp on the right (see the 'Show' option of the 'Color ramp' section of the cloud properties).

By the way, you can have both scalar fields and an RGB field on the same cloud. Therefore you won' t need to clone the cloud anymore ;)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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