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Entering command line mode

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:47 pm
by adriantaylor09
Dumb question here,

How do I actually begin the command line mode?

Thanks in advance

Re: Entering command line mode

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:17 am
by daniel

In fact you simply have to start a Windows "command" window ( ... mpt-window) then change the directory to CC's one (with the 'cd' command).

Note: more simply you can right click on CC's folder in the explorer while holding the SHIFT key, and select the 'Open command window here' entry.

From there, you can type your command 'CloudCompare -O myfile.bin ...'.

Re: Entering command line mode

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 6:48 am
by AnthonyM
If anyone like me initially got stuck trying to understand CloudCompare command line and how it works, here is a script below including explanations on how to subsample a pointcloud file.
With a Windows PC simply copy and paste the below script into notepad, follow steps 1 to 3, once you do so save the file on your computer, change the extension of this file from .txt to .bin, double click on the file and it should now launch Cloudcompare in command line mode. The below script is for subsampling but you can change the command for any of the ones listed at ... _line_mode. Hope this helps, good luck!

@echo off

echo "Script running..."

:: STEP 1 - Copy and paste the required file paths. First line - where the file you are importing is located. Second line - where the result will be saved, and the third line - where CloudCompare is located.

set ImportFilePath="G:\Bondi Project \Bondi Pointcloud.e57"

set ExportFilePath="G:\CloudCompareOutput\Test01.e57"

set CloudCompareExe="C:\Program Files\CloudCompare\CloudCompare.exe"

:: STEP 2 - Set the type of subsampling and the amount required. If you want to change the type of subsampling performed, change the below word "RANDOM" to "SPATIAL" or "OCTREE" as required
:: Current settings are for "RANDOM" subsampling and with a value of "34000000" which will output a file of 500MB

%CloudCompareExe% -AUTO_SAVE OFF -O %ImportFilePath% -SS RANDOM 34000000 -C_EXPORT_FMT E57 -SAVE_CLOUDS FILE %ExportFilePath%

:: STEP 3 - Save this file and then double click it (i.e. double click on "CloudCompareHelper.bat") which will now run CloudCompare subsampling in command line mode. Upon completion the subsampled pointcloud result should be where you specified!

echo "Script complete."

cmd /k

Re: Entering command line mode

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 1:29 pm
by Gorgious
Thanks for the explanation and given batch script. It should be noted the extension should be changed from .txt to .bat, and not .bin if you want to be able to run it by double-clicking on it. Cheers

Re: Entering command line mode

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 3:14 pm
by Nico3D
Thanks for the script. However, i always have an error while using it:
"invalid parameter: specified 2 files names, but there are 1 clouds"

i don't understand why? I just changed with my directory.
If anyone got a clue. Thanks.

Re: Entering command line mode

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 4:10 pm
by daniel
Can you paste here the exact command you used?

Re: Entering command line mode

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 5:02 pm
by Nico3D
I solved my issue by changing my export path from "\EXPORT 3D\" to \EXPORT_3D\
Unformately the error code is not very explicit.
Thank for your help.

Re: Entering command line mode

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:29 am
by daniel