Load a label list

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Re: Load a label list

Post by daniel »

I guess you have text labels, not numerical values? For now I don't think it's possible to keep that 'hidden' (and anyway, it will take a lot of memory and time just to create so many labels...).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Load a label list

Post by dannyht »

Thanks for the reply. I don't know if CC is reading them in as text or as numerical values. I don't see why it wouldn't read it as numerical values.

My data is in XYZ format in a .txt file. It is essentially the following just in a .txt file:

2000000 735578.41 3751924.73 278.7242 0.224
2000001 735578.36 3751924.68 278.7216 0.349
2000002 735578.3 3751924.63 278.7308 0.333
2000003 735578.27 3751924.59 278.7178 0.345
2000004 735578.2 3751924.52 278.7411 0.357

The first column is the unique identifier that I want to be labels. The next 3 are xyz in meters, and the last is a scalar. If I load this into CC, then it generates 2D labels for each point.
labels_1.png (132.72 KiB) Viewed 4208 times
When I go to point pick, say point 2000001, then it puts it in a list but gives it a label of Point #0.
labels_2.png (128.86 KiB) Viewed 4208 times

I go to export it and I choose the option "label name, x, y, z" and it exports it with the label name as "Point #0" instead of "2000001".
labels_3.png (134.19 KiB) Viewed 4208 times
labels_4.png (8.47 KiB) Viewed 4208 times
So I'm not quite sure if my issue is that:
1) My numerical labels are being imported as text.
2) There is a bug and when you select "label name, x, y, z" to export points it doesn't actually export the labels, but rather the local index.

You can use the data above in a .txt file to see what I'm talking about.

Thanks so much!
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Re: Load a label list

Post by daniel »

If you chose 'Label' in the 'ASCII Loading' dialog, then indeed, the values or text will be imported as '2D Labels' in CC (and considered as text). 2D Labels are actual entities, below the cloud, but they are more or less independent.

When you use the point picking tool, it only applies to the cloud. It doesn't care about the potential 2D labels associated to the cloud. So it creates its own label (from 1 to N). And those are the labels you can export afterwards (it's probably confusing ;). It's not a bug.

(actually being able to load values in ASCII files as (2D) labels is quite new. Much more recent than the 'Point picking')
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Load a label list

Post by dannyht »

I gotcha. So is there a way to set a label of the point itself (ie, instead of CC labeling the points 1 to N, you give it a number that you pass in)?

The label feature does sound very useful, but not in my particular application. Though, it was never designed to fulfill my use case.
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Re: Load a label list

Post by daniel »

Currently no... Someone would have to change/upgrade the code...
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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