[Done] Availability of some functions in command line mode

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[Done] Availability of some functions in command line mode

Post by Dimitri »

Hi all,

how easy would it be to get the subsampling functions of CC available in command line completely out of CC ? For very large dataset, it is quite long to first load the data in CC, then subsample it. When you have 20 datasets for which you need to do that to turn a 100 million points into a 1 million one, a command line used in batch mode would be great ! I'm using most of the time the "minimum space" mode.

Alternatively, does someone in the forum knows of a simple and efficient soft to do that in command line ?


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Re: Availability of some functions in command line mode

Post by MattPW »

I'd second this request for the very same reason.
It would be very valuable to be able to batch the resampling of multiple data files.

Daniel, how active is development on CloudCompare? Its an amazingly useful program and I know that I'm immensely grateful for all your hard work and for allowing free use. I'm just curious if its still being worked on and how active this development is.

Many thanks
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Re: Availability of some functions in command line mode

Post by daniel »

It's already done ;) Look here : http://www.cloudcompare.org/doc/wiki/in ... ommandLine

And to answer your question: yes the development is still active (I'm the main contributor but there are several others - which I thank a lot by the way). Sadly it's mainly on my free time (and most of the other contributors are PhD students who have not very much spare time). This year I got also some financial and logistic support from EDF R&D.

Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Availability of some functions in command line mode

Post by jfhullo »

That's a really good news! I think that it would be awesome to have more options incommand line.

I just had a formation about the Python Language that would allow really advance use of CC for batching. I was also thinking about pyhon to overcome the problem of scripting CC function.

This is a really good news for EDF, sounds great for CC's future.


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