Exportar Mapeamento UAV

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Exportar Mapeamento UAV

Post by Newton_787 »

Using Visual SFM + Cloudcompare could generate a exelente point cloud, and from it using the Edit tool> MeshDelaunay 2.5D (best fitting plane) could generate what appears to be an incredible ortophoto the area I mapped with UAV.

I tried in every way to export this process, to bring the GIS software (ArcGIS, Qgis etc.) trough of an image file tiff jpeg ...

using rasterize tool could only images that at first glance seem perfect, but when using the zoom are dotted.

I wonder whether there is the possibility of having a plug-in to export the result of MeshDelaunay for Tiff or Jpeg file.

I've never been so close and yet far from achieving so desired map from the UAV, thank you all and congratulations for exelente program that is Cloudcompare ...

sorry about my poor english ^^
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Re: Exportar Mapeamento UAV

Post by daniel »

In fact it's already possible to do all this with the Bundler format. And I believe it's possible to export Visual SFM's result to the Bundler format.

Then look at this tutorial: http://www.uni-koeln.de/~al001/airphoto ... hs1550.htm

I haven't tested it myself for a long time. So don't hesitate to report any issue!
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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