
Any question about the main GUI application (frontend)
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Post by mutu »

This app has very useful tools and great quality renderer, however I use it only when I really have no other choice, and that is due to the awkward navigation system used to view the 3D scene.

Could you please add (at least as an option) a navigation similar to the one used on MeshLab or Memento which I find extremely good (simple and functional)? For example, the biggest problems are zooming (both in CloudCompare and ccViewer) which is very slow, and could be much better with the functionality of double cliking as in MeshLab which both zooms in and sets the clicked point as the center of rotation. Also, it would be useful to be able to set the center of rotation for the viewing camera with a click on the 3D scene as in Memento.

As for ccViewer, it misses a way to choose to render or not the texture (now it always renders it).
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Re: Navigation/Viewing

Post by daniel »

I use it only when I really have no other choice
Sorry about that :D

When you say that the zoom is slow, I guess you are referring to the 'perspective' projection mode? In the current state (i.e. without the Meshlab mechanism ;) you can:
- change the zoom speed in the 'Display options'
- use a 3D mouse
- or prefer the orthographic projection mode

And you can actually set the rotation center by picking any point on a cloud or a mesh (with the 'reticle' icon in the left toolbar - 'Pick rotation center').

And last but not least, in ccViewer the materials can now be toggled with the menu 'Options > Selected entity > Show Texture/Materials' or the M shortcut. You'll have to wait for the release of the new version though.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Navigation/Viewing

Post by mutu »

Indeed, I was speaking about 'perspective' projection mode (for me it is the only useful mode).

Cool, with the options you enumerated it is getting better, but still not as good as it can be. Both zooming and picking a rotation center are used EXTREMELY often so going to options to change that or to the tool bar to click an icon at each change of view is not at all comfortable.

So I guess since you already have the functionality implemented, it is just a matter of assigning double-click with 'Pick rotation center' plus some zoom+center to that location.
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Re: Navigation/Viewing

Post by daniel »

it is just a matter [...]
Are you a developer? Because a little help would be gladly welcome :D

Otherwise it will have to wait because I'm currently packaging the 2.6.2 version for the official release.

And then I'll have to earn some money and stop working for free ;)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Navigation/Viewing

Post by mutu »

I am a developer, but, like you, I am currently working for free also :) This seems to be the new trend...
As soon as I start earning some money, I'd be gladly to help during my spare time.
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Re: Navigation/Viewing

Post by daniel »

Oh, you must have misunderstood me: I have a job. And I should do it instead of working on random requests ... otherwise I won't be paid :D
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Navigation/Viewing

Post by BrianBrill »

Thank you again Daniel for this very useful software!

... I have been having issues with 'Pick Rotation Center'... I load an e57 or .pts file and when I try to change the Rotation Center the program locks up and crashes... I am running the latest version 2.6.3. ... any advice?

thank you,
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Re: Navigation/Viewing

Post by daniel »

Can you try with the 2.7 version? :D

And did you choose to use the octree or not? (CC should have asked you before picking the point the first time - and you can reset this behavior in the Display Options dialog).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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