Difference in export cloud density: GUI vs. Command Line

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Difference in export cloud density: GUI vs. Command Line

Post by rthurau »

I've been having some fun with command line for processing some .ply files. The first command for which I'm using CloudCompare is to export some .ply files to las. I have some very big differences between the las file that results from saving the .ply as a las file resulting from command line.

Here's my command line:

Code: Select all

"CloudCompare -O " + PLY + " -C_EXPORT_FMT LAS -SAVE_CLOUDS"
Screen shots of the resulting images are below:
GUI las cloud left (normal), command line las cloud right (sparse).
GUI las cloud left (normal), command line las cloud right (sparse).
CC_las_gui-left_cmd-right.png (119.56 KiB) Viewed 5643 times
Hopefully we can see from resolution, the las file export from the GUI has normal density while the command line export only captures a few of the points.
Both files are the same file size!

Are there some commands that I can pass to command line to compensate for this issue? Known bug?

Thanks for your thoughts.

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Re: Difference in export cloud density: GUI vs. Command Line

Post by daniel »

This is a problem due to large coordinates. In command line, no 'global' shift is applied by default. You have to explicitly specify how this should be handled.

Use the '-GLOBAL_SHIFT' option:
http://www.cloudcompare.org/doc/wiki/in ... _line_mode
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Difference in export cloud density: GUI vs. Command Line

Post by rthurau »

Thanks Daniel,
Spent a couple weeks in the field, just getting back to this.

I'm glad there is a solution; however, it appears this elucidates a new issue in 2.6.1.
It looks like -O (Open) does not run, so nothing else does of course.

Running the code below:
2.6.1 beta works fine but doesn't know "-GLOBAL_SHIFT".
2.6.1 executes with Global Shift (or without) but doesn't process (or even open) the .ply file or provide any feedback.

Seems like a rather large issue, anyone else having this same experience?
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Re: Difference in export cloud density: GUI vs. Command Line

Post by daniel »

I can't reproduce the error. What is the exact command line? And do you see the console appear at least?
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Difference in export cloud density: GUI vs. Command Line

Post by rthurau »

First off, sorry for the long delays between posts, been traveling a lot. Finally back to work.

So, I have a resolution and question about the version question. Turns out I downloaded the "Archive Zip" version of CloudCompare (I have to point to the .exe and can't use the installer because of my permissions). The following files were missing, preventing CC comand line from initiating.
msvcr110.dll, msvc110.dll

The fix was simply to copy these files from the Beta version into the current .exe directory.
Is this anticipated behavior?

Back to the real question of this thread: Can you provide an example of exactly what the command line should look like? I'm just getting an error with the GLOBAL_SHIFT: "Uknown or misplaced command: '-GLOBAL_SHIFT'

Here's my command line:
CloudCompare -O U:\Testing\CloudCompare\fwmm5b_v11_sub.ply -GLOBAL_SHIFT AUTO -C_EXPORT_FMT LAS -SAVE_CLOUDS

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Re: Difference in export cloud density: GUI vs. Command Line

Post by daniel »

When you use the 'archive' version, you have to install the 'Visual C++ redistributable package' (either 2010 or 2012 depending on whether it's the 32 or 64 bits version). See the "Notes about the archive versions" section on the download page (I know it's hard to spot ;)

As 'GLOBAL_SHIFT' is an option of 'O', you have to put it just afer it:
CloudCompare -O -GLOBAL_SHIFT AUTO U:\Testing\CloudCompare\fwmm5b_v11_sub.ply -C_EXPORT_FMT LAS -SAVE_CLOUDS

Hope this helps,
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Difference in export cloud density: GUI vs. Command Line

Post by rthurau »

Awesome, success!

Thanks Daniel

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