I've been having some fun with command line for processing some .ply files. The first command for which I'm using CloudCompare is to export some .ply files to las. I have some very big differences between the las file that results from saving the .ply as a las file resulting from command line.
Here's my command line:
Code: Select all
"CloudCompare -O " + PLY + " -C_EXPORT_FMT LAS -SAVE_CLOUDS"
Screen shots of the resulting images are below:
- GUI las cloud left (normal), command line las cloud right (sparse).
- CC_las_gui-left_cmd-right.png (119.56 KiB) Viewed 5878 times
Hopefully we can see from resolution, the las file export from the GUI has normal density while the command line export only captures a few of the points.
Both files are the same file size!
Are there some commands that I can pass to command line to compensate for this issue? Known bug?
Thanks for your thoughts.