Exporting 2d tiff of a powerline

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Exporting 2d tiff of a powerline

Post by celamk »


I am looking for a solution to export 2d tiff visualizing the powerline along its route. Obviously the line does not run on a stright path, but I need to visualize legs of a certain length (i.e. 500 meters or 1km).

Is there an workflow allowing to "unroll" the cloud along the centerline of the tower and lines (i.e. imported as a shapefile) just like in case of a cylinder or other primitive?
powerline_4_cc.png (1.17 MiB) Viewed 2890 times
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Re: Exporting 2d tiff of a powerline

Post by daniel »

Well, the 'Section extraction / unfold' tool may be able to help: see https://www.cloudcompare.org/doc/wiki/i ... a_polyline

You can either import or draw a polyline, and then 'unroll/unfold' the cloud.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Exporting 2d tiff of a powerline

Post by celamk »

Thanks Daniel!

It works! I need to tame it but works.

BTW: when generating raster I've encountered weird thing. Z axis view looks great, X as well, but when trying to export along Y axis cloud - kind of - changes rotation, from horizontal to vertical. I know, this is how it should be, but is there any trick allowing to avoid necessity rotating the cloud to get proper orientation before hitting start button to rasterize?
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Re: Exporting 2d tiff of a powerline

Post by daniel »

Ah no, sadly the rotation is kind of built-in...
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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