Since I'm using CCViewer in an external app opening it with the command line, I wonder if there is a way to make the text appearing on the CCViewer window 'Drag and drop files on the 3D window to load them!' disappear.
Thanks in advance.
CCViewer text in command line
Re: CCViewer text in command line
Ah, good catch! That's something we would need to fix sadly...
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Re: CCViewer text in command line
Ah, wait, I think I misunderstood your message/question. You start ccViewer via the command line, but you don't provide any file to load via the command line, isn't it? Otherwise, the message should not appear (as it disappears as soon as at least one entity is loaded).
Not sure what would be the point of not displaying this message if no data is loaded...
But if you really want to get rid of it, you could load a fake entity on startup (for instance a cloud with a single point at (0, 0, 0) and disabled saved as a BIN file). Just pass the path to the BIN file as single argument after ccVIewer.exe.
Not sure what would be the point of not displaying this message if no data is loaded...
But if you really want to get rid of it, you could load a fake entity on startup (for instance a cloud with a single point at (0, 0, 0) and disabled saved as a BIN file). Just pass the path to the BIN file as single argument after ccVIewer.exe.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Re: CCViewer text in command line
Hi, Daniel:
I had already had that idea with the single point cloud at (0,0,0). The problem is, the text disappeared but the position and format of the ccViewer window were forgotten, so that it opened in the middle of the screen instead of opening where it should, with the right size given as parameters in the command line. Any idea why this is happening? I have to open ccviewer at the start of the app so that the first pointcloud to show appears much faster than when ccviewer is first opened when the point cloud is ready to show up.
I had already had that idea with the single point cloud at (0,0,0). The problem is, the text disappeared but the position and format of the ccViewer window were forgotten, so that it opened in the middle of the screen instead of opening where it should, with the right size given as parameters in the command line. Any idea why this is happening? I have to open ccviewer at the start of the app so that the first pointcloud to show appears much faster than when ccviewer is first opened when the point cloud is ready to show up.
Re: CCViewer text in command line
It works! There was an error in the command line (a space was missing). Perfect. Thanks!
Re: CCViewer text in command line
Sorry for bothering you!