Rasterize tool only completing one initial cloud of merged data

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Rasterize tool only completing one initial cloud of merged data

Post by Chaika1942 »

Hello, I apologize if this has been asked before, I couldn't find it in search. I am trying to rasterize a cloud that I made by merging 16 smaller clouds of elevation data. When I merged all the clouds in my DB Tree panel, they all condensed under the name of the first data sat in alphabetical order...lets call it 1602.laz

When I try to rasterize my entire merged cloud, the output png image is always ONLY of the original cloud that was called 1602.laz...not the entire data set that I am trying to get.

What am I doing wrong? Thanks!!
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Re: Rasterize tool only completing one initial cloud of merged data

Post by daniel »

Hum, that's weird. Visually, do you see all the points projected in the Rasterize tool? Or if you export the raster as a point cloud instead of an image?

By the way, which version do you use?
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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