CCViewer version too old?

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CCViewer version too old?

Post by pmr »

I'm having problems now with the clouds I've generated in command line with version 2.13 alpha ( before the one from today) when I want to see them in CCViewer, version 1.40. I get a message that the version is too old and can't open the files. These are .bin files but with .txt I get the same message. The only thing I've done differently from the other files I can see in CCViewer is to activate the SF by name instead of number, which is new in version 2.13.
Any hint?
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Re: CCViewer version too old?

Post by daniel »

Indeed, with new versions the BIN format generally evolves and can become slightly different to manage new features. This generally causes some incompatibilities and only new versions can open these files.

- the newest 2.13 version (from this weekend!) is now smarter and can generate files compatible with older versions (depending on the selection)
- I generally don't create builds of ccViewer compatible with alpha versions of CC, but if required, I can do it
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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