About Label Connected Component

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About Label Connected Component

Post by fblue »

Hi Daniel,
I'm a newbee of CloudCompare and I'am learning to use CC now. Later I will have a project to develop a plugin for our uses, mostly in filtering and registration.
I found the tool "Label Connected Component" which may be intersting for the first step of our filtering.
Is it a part of open source and can I use it? It seems that I can't find it in the codes sources.

Thank u
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Re: About Label Connected Component

Post by daniel »

Yes the Label Connected Component algorithm is part of the CC_CORE_LIB library and can be used by anyone (it is under LGPL license). Which means either in a CC plugin or in an external project.

See https://github.com/CloudCompare/CloudCo ... ools.h#L68

And if you want to develop a CC plugin, you can of course use any part of CloudCompare, even if it's a private plugin.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: About Label Connected Component

Post by fblue »

Super! Thank u so much!
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Re: About Label Connected Component

Post by Cova_Prendes »


I am working with a TLS point cloud captured in a forest. I would like to remove some noise among the trees so I have used the tool "Connected components" to obtain different groups of points. I woul like to delete the smallest ones (that belong to branches or leaves), but I do not know how to calculate the number of points within each connected component to do the filtering. Could you please help me?
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Re: About Label Connected Component

Post by daniel »

Well, you simple have a 'size()' method that returns the number of points?
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: About Label Connected Component

Post by pflani »

Hi Daniel,
A good description of the connected components approach is here. It refers to your 2006 PhD thesis. Is the transcript available in English for those of us who are not gifted bilinguals?
(I'll be using google translate in the meantime, but suspect it will not capture all the details!)
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Re: About Label Connected Component

Post by daniel »

So you want to ignore the smallest components before even creating the sub-clouds? (I'm confused because there's already a parameter to do that).

While if you do create the sub-clouds, then you really only need to filter by the size... Sorry for not understanding what you mean!
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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