Global shift/scale - suggestion

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Global shift/scale - suggestion

Post by abrownperth »

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone,

I've been loading in some rather extensive topographic survey and I noticed that cloud compare keeps trying to get me to use a suggested global shift even though I've selected use last input and hit "Yes to all". Would it be possible to have it so that doing this forces the same global shift/scale on all remaining files?
CloudComparePrevious.PNG (29.14 KiB) Viewed 1685 times
CloudComparePrevious2.PNG (27.58 KiB) Viewed 1685 times
Alternatively, perhaps the process could be modified. I.e. have cloud compare bring in all of the files and then determine the global shift based on all of the files not just the first file to be loaded in?

kind regards,

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Re: Global shift/scale - suggestion

Post by daniel »

Hum, normally that should be the way CC does it, apart in 2 cases:
- if the input global shift does not give sufficiently small coordinates (a way to avoid this, if you really want to use this shift, is to increase the tolerance of CloudCompare with 'File > Global Shift Settings')
- if the LAS file contains a non null 'LAS offset'. In which case CC won't override it and will keep it by default I believe... And sometimes this 'LAS Offset' is not sufficient to make the coordinates small enough.

Another question is: which version are you using? Because this behavior has changed in v2.12, and there has been a fix in the latest v2.12.4 version.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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