analyse local thickness of laserscan-data || road surface

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analyse local thickness of laserscan-data || road surface

Post by toxicmag »

Dear CC-users,

i am searching for an elegant way of a "local pointcloud analysis".
I attached some example screenshots and looking forward to read your suggestions.

The scan is from an airborne lidar and i'd like to assess the quality of the scan on a road surface.

A paved road should be a sharp / crisp surface in the scan data.
The more noise and thickness the data shows the less useful it is.

What in your eyes could be a good approach to easily see areas of higher thickness, its thickness values and so on...?
From my point of view a good approach would be a segmentation first (subdivide into a grid or define a radius) and then a local analysis for each segment.

What would be your suggested steps for it?

Thanks and greetings

thickness (dZ) visible, but not local (watch dY)
thickness (dZ) visible, but not local (watch dY)
Bild_2021-06-22_105203.png (13.58 KiB) Viewed 1808 times
side view of single segment_far
side view of single segment_far
Bild_2021-06-22_105005.png (39.11 KiB) Viewed 1808 times
road segments to analyse
road segments to analyse
Bild_2021-06-22_104822.png (66.22 KiB) Viewed 1808 times
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Re: analyse local thickness of laserscan-data || road surface

Post by daniel »

You could try to compute the local "roughness" ( ... c_features)

Or use the Rasterize tool, and export the grid as a cloud with 'height std. dev.' and 'height range' in each cell:
rasterize.JPG (20.05 KiB) Viewed 1779 times
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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