Initial translation / offset of the point cloud after loading

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Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:20 pm

Re: Initial translation / offset of the point cloud after loading

Post by rlewandowski »

Thanks for that, I'll try E57 then!
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2019 2:05 pm

Re: Initial translation / offset of the point cloud after loading

Post by Paradizelozt »

Hi all,

I am having a similar problem here. I am manually registering a collection of point clouds which together form a large, complex building. But one particular point cloud has this problem.

After rotating and translating it to the correct position, if I save it as a BIN file, then it will be in the same position when I open it again later.

However, if I save it as LAS, PLY or E57 then it will be in a different position when I reopen it.

I need to finally deliver it in LAS format. When given the option to global shift the point cloud upon opening, I click 'No'. So the position should not have changed. This problem does not happen with all the other point clouds.

There must be something in the point data which causes this corruption. Does anybody have suggestions how to fix it?

Many thanks in advance.

And once again, thank you to Daniel for giving us this brilliant program!
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