Add annotation to the dense point cloud and export its coordinate

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Add annotation to the dense point cloud and export its coordinate

Post by huikang »

Hi, I am new to Cloudcompare and have a basic question about its usage.

I have a dense point cloud to be loaded to the Cloudcompare tool. After rendering the dense point cloud, does cloud compare allow user to add
some annotations on the dense point cloud? For example, if the dense point cloud is a box, I'd like to put an annotation at one corner of the box.

In addition to adding annotation, could cloud compare export the coordinates of the annotation as some text file? Thanks.

- Hui
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Re: Add annotation to the dense point cloud and export its coordinate

Post by daniel »

You can add '2D labels' ('SHIFT + right click' on a point, or use the "Point picking' tool). And then change the title of these labels to anything you want. But you won't be able to export the coordinate of the corresponding point automatically...

Another option is to pick a point with the "Point List Picking" tool (then you have an option to export the picked points as a new cloud or directly to a file).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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