CloudCompare crashes while computing normals

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CloudCompare crashes while computing normals

Post by AEVR »

Hi. I've scanned a large space using the Faro Focus scanner. I've registered my scans and exported them as a .pts file. I can import them into CloudCompare, but when I attempt to compute normals, my machine crashes. Any suggestions? I'm ultimately trying to mesh this cloud so that I can use it in a Virtual Reality that I will build in Unity.
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Re: CloudCompare crashes while computing normals

Post by daniel »

What version are you using? Is CC freezing or is actually crashing by the way?

Mind also to use a not too big kernel (radius). It will result in a awfully long process time.

By the way, on Windows CC can import the native FARO format (fls). And if that doesn't work for you, it would be better to export the cloud to PTX if possible. In both case you'll retain the sensor positions and the scans structure. This will allow you to compute much cleaner normals.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: CloudCompare crashes while computing normals

Post by AndrewRoberts »


I am also interested in viewing scans in VR. Did unity allow you to view your scan in VR? Is there a workflow available that you followed to do this?

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