Failed to export as LAS/LAZ

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Failed to export as LAS/LAZ

Post by acotti »

Hi y'all,

Just wanted to flag a bug on CloudCompare v2.10.alpha (64-bit) for Windows.

I can load and display a LAS/LAZ file however I can't save one. When I try to do so, I'm having the following error, after validating the scale factor:

[11:26:28] PDAL exception 'writers.las: Argument 'a_srs' needs a value and none was provided.'
[11:29:48] An error occurred while saving 'C:/Users/dum/Desktop/aLASFile.las': the third-party library in charge of saving/loading the file has thrown an exception

Hope this is an easy fix.
Best regards
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Re: Failed to export as LAS/LAZ

Post by daniel »

Another user reported about this issue but I failed to reproduce it. Apparently it depends on the input file. Can you send me one sample?
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Failed to export as LAS/LAZ

Post by daniel »

Well, luckily someone fixed the bug ;). The latest 2.10.alpha version has been updated.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Failed to export as LAS/LAZ

Post by PablerasBCN »

Some issues persist in teh last beta.

I thought this was my file issue, I had some issues exporting a las so I did try other formats including las 1.4.
When you save las 1.4 you cant open back thath file in cloud compare. I've teste this with several datasets.

The other las saving issues could be file specific as I remember wiping SF did solve the issue so there could be unsuported values or something.

When trying to open back a 1.4 format saved .las I get.

[13:02:50] PDAL exception 'readers.las: Unsupported LAS input point format: 7.'
[13:06:09] An error occurred while loading 'Udana_BKG_Veget_SinCarret_extended_2m - Cloud_TEST': the third-party library in charge of saving/loading the file has thrown an exception

EDIT: I believe the issue is in the saving module (at least there is an issue in there).
The save file in the realtime engine converter read the points but with no RGB and also some weird positioning for part of the cloud as if it was fliped while the rest seems correctly placed.
Also I tried to import in pointools (Im not 100% sur eit supports 1.4) and I get Standard exception error when importing. Tested in latest microstation demo and same issue.
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Re: Failed to export as LAS/LAZ

Post by daniel »

This bug doesn't seem related to the previous one. Can you maybe send me the original file? (BEFORE it was converted to 1.4, so that I can reproduce the issue on my side).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Failed to export as LAS/LAZ

Post by PCEngineer »

daniel wrote:Well, luckily someone fixed the bug ;). The latest 2.10.alpha version has been updated.
I'm having a similar bug when loading LAZ-files and it wasn't fixed with that alpha version. I think it might be caused by a recent update in our software. If I take the LAZ file and copy it with las2las, I can open the new file with CloudCompare. This might indicate that the problem is caused by the initial export.

I'll send you an email about it.
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Re: Failed to export as LAS/LAZ

Post by daniel »

Ok, I reviewed your files, and it looks like the first one (the "original" one) is incomplete. It declares 3315014 while there's only 3314852 points inside. The one that went through las2las has been fixed (it declares 3315014 points).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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