Can't load *.LAZ

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Can't load *.LAZ

Post by awake »

Hello community,

I'm sorry if it's a dumb question which has been solved a thousand times already but I can't find anything googling for it.

I have a bunch of *.LAZ and *.LAS files I can't open with CloudCompare. The Error message I'm getting reads as following:
[12:45:02] PDAL exception 'Unable to open stream for 'X:/.../20m.laz' with error 'No such file or directory''
[12:45:03] An error occurred while loading '20m': the third-party library in charge of saving/loading the file has thrown an exception

What I understand is that it seems to be a problem with PDAL. I've downloaded PDAL 1.6 but I don't even know where to put it. I've also installed OSGeo4W64 but the folder in my C:\ directory seems to be empty.

Can someone give me a hint or something? Thanks in advance :)
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Re: Can't load *.LAZ

Post by daniel »

You don't need to install PDAL. PDAL is already included in CloudCompare (well, in the latest 2.10.beta version at least). Actually PDAL is reporting the error.

Seems to be an issue with the filename. Do you have any special/foreign character in your path maybe?

Otherwise you can try to load it with the other 'LAS' filter (the 'LAS 1.3 or 1.4' one).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Can't load *.LAZ

Post by awake »

daniel wrote:Seems to be an issue with the filename. Do you have any special/foreign character in your path maybe?
Hello daniel! Thanks a lot for answering this quick. I'll also have to apologize for not thinking of the foreign character issue. Generally speaking I'm always using the english alphabet for work related things but since the file was in my university folder (Universität in German), it didn't open the file.

However, my "problem" is solved and as usual it wasn't a software thing but an operator thing. Thanks again for answering!
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Re: Can't load *.LAZ

Post by DanTDBV »

I can report that I get the same error loading LAS or LAZ files if the Danish characthers æ ø or å is present in either path or filename.

Version 2.10.alpha [64-bit]

A couple of examples:
E:\AFælledparken\Fælledparken Lidar
E:\aBellahøj Park

I could save both LAS and LAZ with one of those characters in CC, but the filename was corrupted in the folder.

Saved filename Fælled.las, Folder: E:\aFaelledparken lidar, Filename in folder: Fælled.las
Saved filename Fælled.laz, Folder: E:\aFaelledparken lidar, Filename in folder: Fælled.laz

Fælled.las and Fælled.las makes the same error.

File opens without issues after changing the filename to Faelled.las.

Best regards and once again, thank you very much to all of you, who are making CC better and better.
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