Transform point cloud coordinate system

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Transform point cloud coordinate system

Post by thangtamfive »


I have question is it possible to transform point cloud using definition of coordinate system (EPSG)?

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Re: Transform point cloud coordinate system

Post by daniel »

If you know the shift between the initial cloud coordinate system, and the resulting EPSG one, then you can use the 'Edit > Edit Global Scale & Shift' feature to properly transform the cloud (without loosing precision: the actual shift is only performed at export time).

However it's a manual process ;)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Transform point cloud coordinate system

Post by Elbruno »

I dont know if I understand this question well.

Most of cases using point cloud we consider that we are at a local topography system and this can simplify this question.

Some Clouds can get big in its extension, and the earth shape can influence the results, in these cases we need to consider an use of a projection.

Some projections deform some properties to preserve other, for instance the equidistant projection mantain distances and distorce the shape and area from objects.

The EPSG has a collection of transformation methods to deal with this. (

Now I ask if is possible to Cloud Compare work with Projections?

Thanks Daniel for this great software.
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Re: Transform point cloud coordinate system

Post by daniel »

Nope, CC doesn't handle topographic projections.

I guess GDAL/PDAL or liblas may help?
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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