![]() |
qCC_glWindow version 2.13.alpha (Qt) - 31 May 2022
CloudCompare 3D view
This is the complete list of members for ccGLWindow, including all inherited members.
addToOwnDB(ccHObject *obj, bool noDependency=true) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
areGLFiltersEnabled() const (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
areShadersEnabled() const (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
asWidget() override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | inline |
autoPickPivotAtCenter() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
backprojectPointOnTriangle(const CCVector2i &P2D, const CCVector3 &A3D, const CCVector3 &B3D, const CCVector3 &C3D) | ccGLWindow | |
baseViewMatChanged(const ccGLMatrixd &newViewMat) | ccGLWindow | signal |
bindFBO(ccFrameBufferObject *fbo) | ccGLWindow | protected |
bubbleViewModeEnabled() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
buttonReleased() | ccGLWindow | signal |
cameraPosChanged(const CCVector3d &) | ccGLWindow | signal |
cancelScheduledRedraw() | ccGLWindow | protected |
ccGLWindow(QSurfaceFormat *format=nullptr, ccGLWindowParent *parent=nullptr, bool silentInitialization=false) | ccGLWindow | |
ccQOpenGLFunctions typedef (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
checkScheduledRedraw() | ccGLWindow | protected |
computeActualPixelSize() const | ccGLWindow | virtual |
computeColorRampAreaLimits(int &yStart, int &yStop) const | ccGLWindow | |
computeModelViewMatrix() const | ccGLWindow | protected |
computeProjectionMatrix(bool withGLfeatures, ProjectionMetrics *metrics=nullptr, double *eyeOffset=nullptr) const | ccGLWindow | protected |
computeTrihedronLength() const | ccGLWindow | |
convertMousePositionToOrientation(int x, int y) | ccGLWindow | protected |
cursorCoordinatesShown() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
CUSTOM_LIGHT_STATE_MESSAGE enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
CUSTOM_MESSAGE enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
customLightEnabled() const | ccGLWindow | inlinevirtual |
DEFAULT_PICKING enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
DefaultPickRadius | ccGLWindow | static |
defaultQtFBO() const (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
deprecate3DLayer() override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
disableStereoMode() | ccGLWindow | |
display3DLabel(const QString &str, const CCVector3 &pos3D, const ccColor::Rgba *color=nullptr, const QFont &font=QFont()) override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
displayNewMessage(const QString &message, MessagePosition pos, bool append=false, int displayMaxDelay_sec=2, MessageType type=CUSTOM_MESSAGE) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
displayOverlayEntities(bool showScale, bool showTrihedron) | ccGLWindow | inline |
displayText(QString text, int x, int y, unsigned char align=ALIGN_DEFAULT, float bkgAlpha=0.0f, const ccColor::Rgba *color=nullptr, const QFont *font=nullptr) override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
doPicking() | ccGLWindow | protected |
dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
draw3D(CC_DRAW_CONTEXT &context, RenderingParams ¶ms) | ccGLWindow | protected |
drawBackground(CC_DRAW_CONTEXT &context, RenderingParams ¶ms) | ccGLWindow | protected |
drawClickableItems(int xStart, int &yStart) | ccGLWindow | protected |
drawCross() (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
drawCustomLight() (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
drawForeground(CC_DRAW_CONTEXT &context, RenderingParams ¶ms) | ccGLWindow | protected |
drawing3D() | ccGLWindow | signal |
drawPivot() | ccGLWindow | protected |
drawScale(const ccColor::Rgbub &color) (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
drawTrihedron() (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
enableDebugTrace(bool state) | ccGLWindow | inline |
enableStereoMode(const StereoParams ¶ms) | ccGLWindow | |
entitiesSelectionChanged(std::unordered_set< int > entIDs) | ccGLWindow | signal |
ENTITY_PICKING enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
ENTITY_RECT_PICKING enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
entitySelectionChanged(ccHObject *entity) | ccGLWindow | signal |
event(QEvent *evt) override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
exclusiveFullScreen() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
exclusiveFullScreenToggled(bool exclusive) | ccGLWindow | signal |
FAST_PICKING enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
fastPickingFinished() | ccGLWindow | signal |
filesDropped(const QStringList &filenames) | ccGLWindow | signal |
fovChanged(float fov) | ccGLWindow | signal |
FULL_SCREEN_MESSAGE enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
fullRenderingPass(CC_DRAW_CONTEXT &context, RenderingParams ¶ms) | ccGLWindow | protected |
functions() const | ccGLWindow | inlineprotected |
getBaseViewMat() | ccGLWindow | virtual |
getClick3DPos(int x, int y, CCVector3d &P3D, bool usePBO) | ccGLWindow | protected |
getContext(CC_DRAW_CONTEXT &context) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
getDisplayParameters() const | ccGLWindow | |
getFontPointSize() const | ccGLWindow | virtual |
getFov() const | ccGLWindow | virtual |
getGLCameraParameters(ccGLCameraParameters ¶ms) override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
getGLDepth(int x, int y, bool extendToNeighbors=false, bool usePBO=false) | ccGLWindow | protected |
getGlFilter() (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | inline |
getGlFilter() const (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | inline |
getGlFilterBannerHeight() const | ccGLWindow | |
getGLViewport() const | ccGLWindow | inlineprotected |
getInteractionMode() const | ccGLWindow | inlinevirtual |
getLabelDisplayFont() const override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
getLabelFontPointSize() const | ccGLWindow | virtual |
getModelViewMatrix() | ccGLWindow | protectedvirtual |
getOwnDB() | ccGLWindow | virtual |
getPerspectiveState(bool &objectCentered) const | ccGLWindow | virtual |
getPickingMode() const | ccGLWindow | inlinevirtual |
getPickingRadius() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
getPivotVisibility() const | ccGLWindow | virtual |
getProjectionMatrix() | ccGLWindow | protectedvirtual |
getSceneDB() | ccGLWindow | |
getScreenSize() const override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | inline |
getStereoParams() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
getTextDisplayFont() const override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
getUniqueID() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
getViewportParameters() const override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | inline |
getVisibleObjectsBB(ccBBox &box) const | ccGLWindow | |
glDisableCustomLight() (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
glDisableSunLight() (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
glEnableCustomLight() (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
glEnableSunLight() (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
glHeight() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
glSize() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
glWidth() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
handleLoggedMessage(const QOpenGLDebugMessage &) | ccGLWindow | protected |
hasColorRampShader() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
hasOverriddenDisplayParameters() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
height() const (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | inlineprotected |
initFBO(int w, int h) | ccGLWindow | protected |
initFBOSafe(ccFrameBufferObject *&fbo, int w, int h) | ccGLWindow | protected |
initGLFilter(int w, int h, bool silent=false) | ccGLWindow | protected |
initialize() (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
initializeGL() override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | inlineprotected |
INTERACT_2D_ITEMS enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
INTERACT_CLICKABLE_ITEMS enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
INTERACT_CTRL_PAN enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
INTERACT_NONE enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
INTERACT_PAN enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
INTERACT_ROTATE enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
INTERACT_SEND_ALL_SIGNALS enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
INTERACT_SIG_BUTTON_RELEASED enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
INTERACT_SIG_LB_CLICKED enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
INTERACT_SIG_MB_CLICKED enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
INTERACT_SIG_MOUSE_MOVED enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
INTERACT_SIG_RB_CLICKED enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
INTERACT_TRANSFORM_ENTITIES enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
INTERACT_ZOOM_CAMERA enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
INTERACTION_FLAG enum name | ccGLWindow | |
invalidateViewport() override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
invalidateVisualization() | ccGLWindow | virtual |
isLODEnabled() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
isPickingModeLocked() const | ccGLWindow | inlinevirtual |
isRectangularPickingAllowed() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
isRotationAxisLocked() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
itemPicked(ccHObject *entity, unsigned subEntityID, int x, int y, const CCVector3 &P, const CCVector3d &uvw) | ccGLWindow | signal |
itemPickedFast(ccHObject *entity, int subEntityID, int x, int y) | ccGLWindow | signal |
LABEL_PICKING enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
leftButtonClicked(int x, int y) | ccGLWindow | signal |
lockPickingMode(bool state) | ccGLWindow | inlinevirtual |
lockRotationAxis(bool state, const CCVector3d &axis) | ccGLWindow | |
logGLError(const char *context) const | ccGLWindow | protected |
LogGLError(GLenum error, const char *context) | ccGLWindow | protectedstatic |
LOWER_LEFT_MESSAGE enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
m_activeFbo | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_activeGLFilter | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_activeItems | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_activeShader | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_allowRectangularEntityPicking | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_alwaysUseFBO | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_autoPickPivotAtCenter | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_autoRefresh | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_autoRefreshTimer | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_bbHalfDiag | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_bubbleViewFov_deg | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_bubbleViewModeEnabled | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_cameraToBBCenterDist | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_captureMode | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_clickableItems | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_clickableItemsVisible | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_colorRampShader (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_currentLODState | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_customLightEnabled | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_customLightPos | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_customRenderingShader (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_deferredPickingTimer | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_exclusiveFullscreen | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_fbo | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_fbo2 | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_font | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_formerGeometry | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_formerParent | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_glExtFunc | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_glExtFuncSupported | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_glFiltersEnabled | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_globalDBRoot | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_glViewport | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_hotZone | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_ignoreMouseReleaseEvent | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_initialized | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_interactionFlags | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_lastClickTime_ticks | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_lastMousePos | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_lockedRotationAxis | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_LODAutoDisable | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_LODEnabled | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_LODPendingIgnore | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_LODPendingRefresh | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_messagesToDisplay | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_mouseButtonPressed | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_mouseMoved | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_overriddenDisplayParameters | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_overriddenDisplayParametersEnabled | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_pickingMode | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_pickingModeLocked | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_pickingPBO | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_pickRadius | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_pivotGLList | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_pivotSymbolShown | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_pivotVisibility | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_preBubbleViewParameters | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_projMatd | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_rectPickingPoly | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_rotationAxisLocked | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_scheduledFullRedrawTime | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_scheduleTimer | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_shadersEnabled | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_shouldBeRefreshed | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_showCursorCoordinates | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_showDebugTraces | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_showScale | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_showTrihedron | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_silentInitialization | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_stereoModeEnabled | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_stereoParams | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_sunLightEnabled | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_sunLightPos | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_texturePool | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_texturePoolLastIndex | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_timer | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_touchBaseDist | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_touchInProgress | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_trihedronGLList | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_unclosable | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_uniqueID | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_uniqueTextures | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_updateFBO | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_validModelviewMatrix | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_validProjectionMatrix | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_viewMatd | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_viewportParams | ccGLWindow | protected |
m_winDBRoot | ccGLWindow | protected |
makeCurrent() (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
MANUAL_SEGMENTATION_MESSAGE enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
MANUAL_TRANSFORMATION_MESSAGE enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
MAX_LINE_WIDTH_F | ccGLWindow | static |
MAX_POINT_SIZE_F | ccGLWindow | static |
MessagePosition enum name | ccGLWindow | |
MessageType enum name | ccGLWindow | |
middleButtonClicked(int x, int y) | ccGLWindow | signal |
MIN_LINE_WIDTH_F | ccGLWindow | static |
MIN_POINT_SIZE_F | ccGLWindow | static |
MODE_PAN_ONLY enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
MODE_TRANSFORM_CAMERA enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
MODE_TRANSFORM_ENTITIES enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
mouseMoved(int x, int y, Qt::MouseButtons buttons) | ccGLWindow | signal |
mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
mouseWheelRotated(float wheelDelta_deg) | ccGLWindow | signal |
moveCamera(CCVector3d &v) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
newLabel(ccHObject *obj) | ccGLWindow | signal |
NO_PICKING enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
objectPerspectiveEnabled() const | ccGLWindow | virtual |
onItemPickedFast(ccHObject *pickedEntity, int pickedItemIndex, int x, int y) | ccGLWindow | protected |
onWheelEvent(float wheelDelta_deg) (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
paintGL() override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
PERSPECTIVE_STATE_MESSAGE enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
perspectiveStateChanged() | ccGLWindow | signal |
PICKING_MODE enum name | ccGLWindow | |
PIVOT_ALWAYS_SHOW enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
PIVOT_HIDE enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
PIVOT_SHOW_ON_MOVE enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
pivotPointChanged(const CCVector3d &) | ccGLWindow | signal |
PivotVisibility enum name | ccGLWindow | |
POINT_OR_TRIANGLE_OR_LABEL_PICKING enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
POINT_OR_TRIANGLE_PICKING enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
POINT_PICKING enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
processClickableItems(int x, int y) | ccGLWindow | protected |
processPickingResult(const PickingParameters ¶ms, ccHObject *pickedEntity, int pickedItemIndex, const CCVector3 *nearestPoint=nullptr, const CCVector3d *nearestPointBC=nullptr, const std::unordered_set< int > *selectedIDs=nullptr) | ccGLWindow | protected |
qtHeight() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
qtSize() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
qtWidth() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
redraw(bool only2D=false, bool resetLOD=true) override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
refresh(bool only2D=false) override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
removeFBO() | ccGLWindow | protected |
removeFBOSafe(ccFrameBufferObject *&fbo) | ccGLWindow | protected |
removeFromOwnDB(ccHObject *obj) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
removeGLFilter() | ccGLWindow | protected |
renderNextLODLevel() | ccGLWindow | protected |
renderText(int x, int y, const QString &str, uint16_t uniqueID=0, const QFont &font=QFont()) (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
renderText(double x, double y, double z, const QString &str, const QFont &font=QFont()) (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
renderToFile(QString filename, float zoomFactor=1.0f, bool dontScaleFeatures=false, bool renderOverlayItems=false) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
renderToImage(float zoomFactor=1.0f, bool dontScaleFeatures=false, bool renderOverlayItems=false, bool silent=false) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
requestUpdate() | ccGLWindow | |
resizeGL(int w, int h) override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
rightButtonClicked(int x, int y) | ccGLWindow | signal |
ROTAION_LOCK_MESSAGE enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
rotateBaseViewMat(const ccGLMatrixd &rotMat) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
rotation(const ccGLMatrixd &rotMat) | ccGLWindow | signal |
scaleIsDisplayed() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
scheduleFullRedraw(unsigned maxDelay_ms) | ccGLWindow | protected |
SCREEN_CENTER_MESSAGE enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
SCREEN_SIZE_MESSAGE enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
setAutoPickPivotAtCenter(bool state) | ccGLWindow | |
setBaseViewMat(ccGLMatrixd &mat) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setBubbleViewFov(float fov_deg) | ccGLWindow | |
setBubbleViewMode(bool state) | ccGLWindow | |
setCameraFocalToFitWidth(double width) | ccGLWindow | |
setCameraPos(const CCVector3d &P) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setCustomLight(bool state) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setCustomView(const CCVector3d &forward, const CCVector3d &up, bool forceRedraw=true) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setDisplayParameters(const ccGui::ParamStruct ¶ms, bool thisWindowOnly=false) | ccGLWindow | |
setFocalDistance(double focalDistance) | ccGLWindow | |
setFontPointSize(int pixelSize) | ccGLWindow | protected |
setFov(float fov) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setGLCameraAspectRatio(float ar) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setGlFilter(ccGlFilter *filter) (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setGLViewport(int x, int y, int w, int h) | ccGLWindow | inlineprotected |
setGLViewport(const QRect &rect) | ccGLWindow | protected |
setInteractionMode(INTERACTION_FLAGS flags) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setLineWidth(float width, bool silent=false) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setLODEnabled(bool state, bool autoDisable=false) | ccGLWindow | |
setPerspectiveState(bool state, bool objectCenteredView) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setPickingMode(PICKING_MODE mode=DEFAULT_PICKING) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setPickingRadius(int radius) | ccGLWindow | inline |
setPivotPoint(const CCVector3d &P, bool autoUpdateCameraPos=false, bool verbose=false) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setPivotVisibility(PivotVisibility vis) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setPointSize(float size, bool silent=false) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setRectangularPickingAllowed(bool state) | ccGLWindow | inline |
setSceneDB(ccHObject *root) | ccGLWindow | |
setShader(ccShader *shader) (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setShaderPath(const QString &path) (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | static |
setStandardOrthoCenter() (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
setStandardOrthoCorner() (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
setSunLight(bool state) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setUnclosable(bool state) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setupProjectiveViewport(const ccGLMatrixd &cameraMatrix, float fov_deg=0.0f, float ar=1.0f, bool viewerBasedPerspective=true, bool bubbleViewMode=false) override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
setView(CC_VIEW_ORIENTATION orientation, bool redraw=true) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setViewportParameters(const ccViewportParameters ¶ms) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
setZNearCoef(double coef) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
SharedTexture typedef (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
showCursorCoordinates(bool state) | ccGLWindow | inline |
showPivotSymbol(bool state) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
size() const (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | inlineprotected |
startCPUBasedPointPicking(const PickingParameters ¶ms) | ccGLWindow | protected |
startFrameRateTest() | ccGLWindow | |
startOpenGLPicking(const PickingParameters ¶ms) | ccGLWindow | protected |
startPicking(PickingParameters ¶ms) | ccGLWindow | protected |
stereoModeIsEnabled() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
stopFrameRateTest() | ccGLWindow | protected |
stopLODCycle() | ccGLWindow | protected |
SUN_LIGHT_STATE_MESSAGE enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
sunLightEnabled() const | ccGLWindow | inlinevirtual |
toBeRefreshed() override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
toCenteredGLCoordinates(int x, int y) const override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
toCornerGLCoordinates(int x, int y) const override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
toggleAutoRefresh(bool state, int period_ms=0) | ccGLWindow | protected |
toggleCustomLight() | ccGLWindow | virtual |
toggleDebugTrace() | ccGLWindow | inline |
toggleExclusiveFullScreen(bool state) | ccGLWindow | |
togglePerspective(bool objectCentered) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
toggleSunLight() | ccGLWindow | virtual |
translation(const CCVector3d &t) | ccGLWindow | signal |
TRIANGLE_PICKING enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
trihedronIsDisplayed() const | ccGLWindow | inline |
uninitializeGL() (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
updateActiveItemsList(int x, int y, bool extendToSelectedLabels=false) | ccGLWindow | protected |
updateConstellationCenterAndZoom(const ccBBox *boundingBox=nullptr) | ccGLWindow | virtual |
updateModelViewMatrix() (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
updateProjectionMatrix() (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
UPPER_CENTER_MESSAGE enum value (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | |
viewerPerspectiveEnabled() const | ccGLWindow | virtual |
viewMatRotated(const ccGLMatrixd &rotMat) | ccGLWindow | signal |
wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | protected |
width() const (defined in ccGLWindow) | ccGLWindow | inlineprotected |
zNearCoefChanged(float coef) | ccGLWindow | signal |
zoomGlobal() | ccGLWindow | |
~ccGLWindow() override | ccGLWindow |