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CCCoreLib 31 May 2022
CloudCompare Core algorithms
▼NCCCoreLib | |
CAABB | Simple axis aligned box structure |
CAutoSegmentationTools | Several point cloud auto-segmentation algorithms (Connected Components, Front propagation, etc.) |
CBoundingBoxTpl | Bounding box structure |
CCCMiscTools | Miscellaneous useful functions (geometrical elements handling) |
CCCToolbox | Empty class - for classification purpose only |
CChamferDistanceTransform | Class to compute a Chamfer distance field on a 3D grid |
▼CCloudSamplingTools | Several point cloud resampling algorithms (octree-based, random, etc.) |
CSFModulationParams | Parameters for the scalar-field based modulation of a parameter |
CConjugateGradient | A class to perform a conjugate gradient optimization |
CDelaunay2dMesh | A class to compute and handle a Delaunay 2D mesh on a subset of points |
▼CDgmOctree | The octree structure used throughout the library |
CBoxNeighbourhood | Input/output parameters structure for getPointsInBoxNeighbourhood |
CCellDescriptor | Structure used during nearest neighbour search |
CCylindricalNeighbourhood | Input/output parameters structure for getPointsInCylindricalNeighbourhood |
CIndexAndCode | Association between an index and the code of an octree cell |
CNearestNeighboursSearchStruct | Container of in/out parameters for nearest neighbour(s) search |
CoctreeCell | Octree cell descriptor |
CoctreeTopDownScanStruct | Internal structure used to perform a top-down scan of the octree |
CPointDescriptor | Structure used during nearest neighbour search |
CProgressiveCylindricalNeighbourhood | Input/output parameters structure for getPointsInCylindricalNeighbourhoodProgressive |
CDgmOctreeReferenceCloud | A kind of ReferenceCloud based on the DgmOctree::NeighboursSet structure |
▼CDistanceComputationTools | Several entity-to-entity distances computation algorithms (cloud-cloud, cloud-mesh, point-triangle, etc.) |
CCloud2CloudDistancesComputationParams | Cloud-to-cloud 'nearest neighbors' distances computation parameters |
CCloud2MeshDistancesComputationParams | Cloud-to-mesh distances computation parameters |
CErrorFunction | A class to compute the Error function (erf) |
▼CFastMarching | Fast Marching algorithm (front propagation) |
CCell | A generic Fast Marching grid cell |
▼CFastMarchingForPropagation | Fast Marching algorithm for surface front propagation |
CPropagationCell | A Fast Marching grid cell for surfacical propagation |
▼CFPCSRegistrationTools | Four Points Congruent Sets (4PCS) registration algorithm (Dror Aiger, Niloy J. Mitra, Daniel Cohen-Or) |
CBase | FCPS base |
CGarbage | Garbage container (automatically deletes pointers when destroyed) |
CGarbage< ScalarField > | Specialization for ScalarFields |
CGenericCloud | A generic 3D point cloud interface for data communication between library and client applications |
CGenericDistribution | A generic class to handle a probability distribution |
CGenericIndexedCloud | A generic 3D point cloud with index-based point access |
CGenericIndexedCloudPersist | A generic 3D point cloud with index-based and presistent access to points |
CGenericIndexedMesh | A generic mesh with index-based vertex access |
CGenericMesh | A generic mesh interface for data communication between library and client applications |
CGenericOctree | A generic octree interface for data communication between library and client applications |
CGenericProgressCallback | A generic progress indicator interface to notify algorithms progress to the client application |
CGenericTriangle | A generic triangle interface |
CGeometricalAnalysisTools | Several algorithms to compute point-clouds geometric characteristics (curvature, density, etc.) |
▼CGrid3D | Simple 3D grid structure |
CCellToTest | |
CGridAndMeshIntersection | Structure to compute the intersection between a mesh and a grid (to compute fast distances) |
CHornRegistrationTools | Horn point cloud registration algorithm |
▼CICPRegistrationTools | ICP point cloud registration algorithm (Besl et al.) |
CParameters | ICP Parameters |
CJacobi | Jacobi eigen vectors/values decomposition |
▼CKDTree | A Kd Tree Class which implements functions related to point to point distance |
CKdCell | A KDTre cell struct |
CKMeanClass | A K-mean class position and boundaries |
CLocalModel | Local modelization (generic interface) |
▼CManualSegmentationTools | Manual segmentation algorithms (inside/outside a polyline, etc.) |
CMeshCutterParams | Input/output parameters for the segmentMeshWitAAPlane method |
CMathTools | Empty class - for classification purpose only |
▼CMeshSamplingTools | Mesh sampling algorithms |
CEdgeConnectivityStats | Statistics on the edges connectivty of a mesh |
CNeighbourhood | A specific point could structure to handle subsets of points, provided with several geometric processings |
CNormalDistribution | The Normal/Gaussian statistical distribution |
CNormalizedProgress | Efficient management of progress based on a total number of steps different than 100 |
CPointCloud | A storage-efficient point cloud structure that can also handle an unlimited number of scalar fields |
CPointCloudTpl | A storage-efficient point cloud structure that can also handle an unlimited number of scalar fields |
▼CPointProjectionTools | Several point cloud re-projection algorithms ("developpee", translation, rotation, etc.) |
CIndexedCCVector2 | Indexed 2D vector |
CTransformation | A scaled geometrical transformation (scale + rotation + translation) |
CPolyline | A simple polyline class |
CRay | Simple Ray structure |
CReferenceCloud | A very simple point cloud (no point duplication) |
CRegistrationTools | Common point cloud registration algorithms |
CSaitoSquaredDistanceTransform | Class to compute a Squared Distance Field with the Saito algorithm on a 3D grid |
CScalarField | A simple scalar field (to be associated to a point cloud) |
CScalarFieldTools | Several scalar field treatment algorithms (gradient, classification, etc.) |
CSimpleMesh | A simple mesh structure, with index-based vertex access |
CSimpleRefTriangle | A simple triangle class |
CSimpleTriangle | A simple triangle class |
CSquareMatrixTpl | Square matrix |
CStatisticalTestingTools | Statistical testing algorithms (Chi2 distance computation, statistic filtering, etc.) |
▼CTrueKdTree | Proper KD-tree implementation |
CBaseNode | Tree base node |
CLeaf | Tree leaf |
CNode | Tree node |
CVerticesIndexes | Triangle described by the indexes of its 3 vertices |
CWeibullDistribution | The Weibull statistical parametric distribution |
CCCShareable | |
CChi2Helper | Package of methods to compute Chi2 related stuff |
CTuple3Tpl | 3-Tuple structure (templated version) |
CTuple4Tpl | 4-Tuple structure (templated version) |
CVector2Tpl | 2D Vector |
CVector3Tpl | 3D Vector (templated version) |